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Dark Horse George Harrison. Begin playing these chords. Em B7 Em B7
EmYou thought that you knew where I was and wB7hen EmBut it looks that I've been fooling you agB7ain EmYou thought that you'd got me all steaked B7out EmBut baby looks like I've been breaking oAut.
FI'm a dCark hoGrse, ruDnning on a dark race coF#urse FI'm a bClue mGoon, sDince I stepped out from the wF#omb FI've been a cCool jeGrk, lDooking for the soF#urce FI'm a dCark hoGrse.
Em B7 Em B7
EmYou thought that you had me in your gB7rip EmBaby looks like you was not so sB7mart EmAnd I became so slippery for B7you EmBut let me tell you that was nothing Anew.
FI'm a dCark hGorse... Em B7 Em B7
EmI thought that you knew it all aB7long EmUntil you started getting me no rB7ight EmSeems as if you heard a little lB7ate EmBut I warned you when we both were at the Astarting gate.
FI'm a dCark hGorse... Em B7 Em B7
FI'm a dCark hGorse... Please hear the song to know better how much do you have to play this before the song ends, shame on me, I cannot remember it... but one way or the other... enjoy it.