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From: "Petteri Järvinen" <> Subject: Cocamamie Business by George Harrison Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 22:37:42 PST COCAMAMIE BUSINESS By George Harrison Transcribed by Petteri Järvinen
Bust my Emback on the Levy - broke my strings on the BBC AmFound my chops on Eel Pie Island -D paid my dues atB7 theD Marquee Slagged Emoff by the N.M.E. - lost my Amstash and my virginity In this AmCockamamie B7BusinEmess
Got my Emface on Ed Sullivan - broke my heart on the Soul Train IntroAmduced to Bad Company - lost cDells down at Brain B7Drain D And beEmfore I could mend - lost the Ammissus, missed the girlfriend In this AmCockamamie B7BusiEmness
Now we lEmike to air condition - though the air has no ozone ring AmStill they're chopping down tDhe forest for McDonalds and the Burger B7KingD Eating Emcows with such persistance - doesn't Amoffer much resistance To this AmCockamamie B7BusinEmess
There are Emtoo many things - stressing out the nervous system AmGirls you used to know - fDellas that may have kissed'B7em D Some got Emrabies - Some got fleas - some got Amincurable diseases >From tAmhis CockamaB7mie EmBusiness
EmEverybody's after as many points as they can get As long as it's not Amthem that has to pay No one Dreally minds the B7Debt D 5-Star Emactors, tax inspectors, film Amproducers and directors With their AmCockamamie B7BusiEmness
Well you dEmo what you can - can't do much more than that (No you can't do what he just said) Some Amdays you're pretty sharp - on oDther days you feel B7half deaDd
(While you make your daily bread)
Didn't Emwant to be a star - wanted Amjust to play guitar In this AmCockamamie B7BusiEmness
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