George Harrison - A hard rains gonna fall
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Written by Bob Dylan. This is former 'Beatles legend George Harrison's version.
(George: Like to bring on a friend of us all, Mr. Bob Dylan!)
EOh, where have you been, my blAue eyed sEon?
Oh, whEere have you been, my darBling young one?
I've stAumbled on the side of twEelve misty mountains
I've wAalked and I've crawled on sEix crooked highways
I've stAepped in the middle of sEeven sad forests
I've been oAut in front of a dozEen dead oceans
I've been tAen thousand miles in the Emouth of a graveyard
And it's a hEard, and it's a haBrd, it's a hEard, and it's a Ahard
And it's a haErd rBain's a gonna fEall A E
Oh, whEat did you see, my blue eyAed son? E
Oh, whEat did you see, my darlinBg young one?
I saw aA newborn baby with wild Ewolves all around it
I saw aA highway of diamonds witEh nobody on it
I saw aA black branch with bloodE that kept drippin'
I saw aA room full of men with tEheir hammers a bleedin'
I saw aA white ladder all covereEd with water
I saw tAen thousand talkers whosEe tongues were all broken
I saw gAuns and sharp swords in Ethe hands of young children
And it's a hEard, and it's a haBrd, it's a hEard, and it's a Ahard
And it's a haErd rBain's a gonna fEall A E
And whEat did you hear, my blueA eyed sonE?
And whEat did you hear, my darliBng young one?
I heardA the sound of a thunder,E it roared out a warnin'
Heard tAhe roar of a wave that cEould drown the whole world
Heard oAne hundred drummers whosEe hands were a blazin'
Heard tAen thousand whisperin' aEnd nobody listenin'
Heard oAne person starve, I hearEd many people laughin'
Heard tAhe song of a poet who diEed in the gutter
Heard tAhe sound of a clown who Ecried in the alley
And it's a hEard, and it's a haBrd, it's a hEard, and it's a Ahard
And it's a haErd rBain's a gonna fEall A E
Oh, whEo did you meet, my blue Aeyed son?E
Who diEd you meet, my darling yoBung one?
I met aA young child beside a deEad pony
I met aA white man who walked a Eblack dog
I met aA young woman whose body Ewas burning
I met aA young girl, she gave meE a rainbow
I met oAne man who was wounded iEn love
I met aAnother man who was woundEed with hatred
And it's a hEard, and it's a haBrd, it's a hEard, and it's a Ahard
And it's a haErd rBain's a gonna fEall A E
Oh, whEat'll you do now, my bluAe eyed soEn?
Oh, whEat'll you do now, my darlBing young one?
I'm a gAoin' back out 'fore the Erain starts a fallin'
I'll waAlk to the depths of the Edeepest black forest
Where tAhe people are many and tEheir hands are all empty
Where tAhe pellets of poison areE flooding their waters
Where tAhe home in the valley meEets the damp dirty prison
Where tAhe executioner's face isE always well hidden
Where hAunger is ugly, where souEls are forgotten
Where bAlack is the color, whereE none is the number
And I'lAl tell it and think it aEnd speak it and breathe it
And refAlect it from the mountaiEn so all souls can see it
Then I'All stand on the ocean unEtil I start sinkin'
But I'lAl know my song well befoEre I start singin'
And it's a hEard, and it's a haBrd, it's a hEard, and it's a Ahard
And it's a haErd rBain's a gonna fEall A E