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This is a chords layout for the song Planets of The Universe included in the extended edition of the 1977 album Rumours. You will find two versions of this song in the 5 CD edition, these are the chords for the one included in the 5th CD. There is another version by Stevie Nicks, with added lyrics and a different arrangement. If you are playing this song on guitar you can arpeggiate the chords for a nice sound (try listening and playing along with the record so you get an idea for a suitable fingerpicking style). [Intro] F G Am Am7 [Verse]
FAnd the planets of the Guniverse AmGo their wayAm7 FNot astounded by the sGun or the moon AmOr by the daAm7y FYou and I will simply Gdisappear AmOut of sightAm7 FOoh, but I'm afraid sGoon there'll be AmNo light Am7
FI will never love agGain the wayAm I loved youAm7 FYou will never rule agaGin the way Amyou've ruledAm7 FWe will never change agGain the wayAm we are chanAm7ging Ooh yFou'll forget the Gchill of loAmve, but not Am7the strain Ooh yFou forget the chiGll of love, but nAmot the strain
[Section 2]
AmYouG will Fremember but I will Gdie sAmlowly Am7It's only an oFverture to soGmething that was beAmst But don'tAm7, don't FcondescendG to me AmTake your leave, Am7take your leave, tFake your leave of me Gnow AmDisappear thrAm7ough the air FI wish you gone andG I don't careF
FNow GI kAmnow Am7Ooh, I was wFrong to lGive for a dAmream Am7If I hFad my lGife to live oAmver Am7I would never FdreGam, nAmo Am7I would nFever dGream, OAmooh Am7
FrepGeatAms ovAm7er the guitar fills to fade.