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Wonderful tonight Eric Clapton In 4/4 time Chorded by John H P Rushton The chords are a simplification of other chording shown for this song, posted elsewhere on this site. In the version that I have put forward, 'syntax' errors have also been corrected. Intro G D C D
GIt's late in the Devening CShe's wondering what Dclothes to wear GShe puts on her Dmakeup CAnd brushes her Dlong blonde hair CAnd then she Dasks me GDo I look Emalright? And I say Cyes, you look Dwonderful Emtonight
Interlude G D C D
GWe go to a Dparty CAnd everyone Dturns to see GThis beautiful Dlady CThat's walking Daround with me CAnd then she Dasks me GDo you feelEmalright? And I Csay yes, I feel Dwonderful Emtonight
I feel Cwonderful DBecause I see the Glove light in your Emeyes And the Cwonder of it Dall Is that you Cjust don't Drealise How much I Glove you
[Interlude] G D C D
GIt's time to go Dhome now CAnd I've got an Daching head GSo I give her the Dcar keys CShe helps Dme to bed CAnd then I Dtell her GAs I turn out the Emlight I say my Cdarling, you were Dwonderful Emtonight Oh my Cdarling, you were Dwonderful Emtonight
[Outro] G D C D G D C D