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The shape you're in - Eric Clapton Intro E A E A
I tEook my bAaby to sEee a show. E A E SEhe was telling mAe she didn't wEant to go. E A E I said, &qEuot;ComeA on girl, what's tEhe matter with yEouA?&Equot; But I could tEell by the smAell that she'd hEad a few. E A E
I said hoEld on girl don't gGet too tight, AYou started early and we've gDot all night. You've got to tEake it easy, tGake it slow. AWe don't want the whole woDrld to know About the sEhape G A Hey babe the sDhape you're in. Look at the sEhape G A Hey girl the sDhape you're in.
Well, mEy little gAirl really lEoves that wine. E A E EWine will do it Ato her most evEerytime. E A E If it's reEd or it's wAhite or it's in beEtween, E A E She can drEink more wAine than I've eEver seen. E A E
Now IE'm not tArying to get heEavy with you. E A E EI'll mind my own bAusiness if you wEant me to. E A E But I lEove you gAirl, I don't lEove no one else.E A E I'm just teElling you bAaby 'cause I've bEeen there myselEf.A E