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From: (Brian Davies) Subject: CRD: Clapton's "Black Rose" Here's a highly underappreciated gem off of EC's "Another Ticket" album that I picked off over the weekend. Thanks go to Niels ( for sparing me the task of typing in the lyrics. Share and enjoy! - Brian BLACK ROSE by Troy Seals and Eddie Setser Transcribed by Brian Davies ( [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] The dogs are [C] howling at the [G] midnight [C] moon. [G] [C] [G] [C]
G I'm on my C way to where the G black rose C blooms. G C G C C The mountain's Em/B high, the Am night is G/B cold. C I feel the G/B sunshine; a D/A black rose G grows.
ToGgether again, we're as C common as sin, they say, D We just walk around the stones they G throw. G Night after night, C we steal away to where F Love don't see no C colors in the G shadows, F Love don't see no C colors in the G shadows.
[G] Wind in the [C] willows, [G] wild and [C] warm, [G] [C] [G] [C]
G Just like the C woman lying G here in my C arms. G C G C C The water's Em/B deep, Am cold and G/B still. C I love the G/B feeling that D/A black rose G gives.
Chorus Chorus
F Love don't see no C colors in the G shadows. *** * Brian Davies ( * There are three kinds of lies: * * Ph: (708)-467-1969 / (708)-733-9544 * Lies, damned lies, and release * * Institute For The Learning Sciences * dates. * * 1890 Maple Ave, Evanston, IL, 60201 * - guess who * ***