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From: Someone requested the bass tab to Badge a while ago, and I finally got around to typing it in. I've also added the words and the chords, which might make the tab kind of hard to read. I'm not sure that this format is useful, so if anyone wants just the tab, you can let me know, and I'll mail off a copy. This file has lines that are longer than 80 characters, so they wrap on the screen. However, when printed out (at least on my printer), they don't wrap. I also have a copy of this with lines less than 80 columns, so I can mail that out as well. (You can tell I had a busy day at work yesterday :-) - Tom Heft BADGE - Eric Clapton & George Harrison ====================================== INTRO: ------
Amq e e e e e e De e e e q e s s Ams e e e e e e +-----------------+------------------+----------------+ |4:---R---R---R---|------------R-----|----R---R---R---| |4:-----3---7---3/|-/5-5-5-5-5-------|------3---7---3/| +---5-------------+--------------3H4H+-H5-------------+
VERSE 1: --------
D Am Thinkin' 'bout the Dtimes you drove in my car. e e e e e q s s q e e e e e e e e e e q e s s +------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------+ |------------------|----R---R---------R------|----------------------R-------| |-/5-5-5-5-5-------|------3------7---------3/|-/5-5---5---5----5--------5H6H| +------------2-3H4H+-H5----------------------+------------------------------+
Em Am Thinkin' that I e e e e e e e s s e e e q e e e q e e e e e e +--------------------+----------------+-----------------------+ |--------------R-----|----------------|---R---R--------R------| |-H7-7-7-7-7-7---5H6H|-H7-7-7-7-5-3-2-|-----3------7--------3/| +--------------------+----------------+-5---------------------+
Dmight have drove you too far.____Em(add9) Em e e e e q e s s e e e e e e e s s e e e e e e s s s s +-------------------------------+--------------------+----9-7-5-4-----------+ |-----------------------R-------|--------------R-----|------------7-5-4-----| |-/5-5---5----5----5--------5H3H|-H7-7-7-7-7-7---5H6H|-H7---------------7-5-| +-------------------------------+--------------------+----------------------+
C And I'm thinkin' 'bout the Amlove that you laid on my ta Bm- ble. e e e e e e e e e e e e q e e e e e e e e e e+ +------------------------------+----------------------------+-----4-----------+ |-----R-----------------R------|-----------------------R----|---4-------------| |-3-3---------3----------------|-0----0--------0------------|-2-------2---2-0-| +---------3--------3---------0-+---0-------0--------------2-+-------2---2-----+
VERSE 2: -------
Am(add9) Am I told you not to + Q e h h e e e e q e e e e e e +----------+-----------+----------------------+ |------R-R-|-R-R-------|---R---R--------R-----| |----------|-----------|-----3------7-------3/| +--(0)-----+-----0-3-4-+-5--------------------+
Dwan-der 'round in the dark.__Em(add9)_ Em e e e e q e s s e e e e e e e s s e e e s s e e e e +----------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |--------------------R-------|--------------R-----|--------------------| |-/5-5-5----5----5-------5H6H|-H7-7-7-7-7-7---5H6H|-H7-7-7-5-6-7-5-3-2-| +----------------------------+--------------------+--------------------+
Am I told you 'bout the Dswans, that they live in the park._Em(add9)__ q e e e e e e q e e q e s s e e e e e e e s s +------------------------+----------------------------------+--------------------+ |---R---R---------R------|--------------------------R-------|--------------R-----| |-----3------7-----------|-5------5----5----5-----------5H6H|-H7-7-7-7-7-7---5H6H| +-5--------------------5-+----------------------------------+--------------------+
Em C Then I told you 'bout our Amkid, now he's married to Ma- e e e e e e s s s s q e e e e e e e e e e q e e +----9-7-5-4-----------+---------------------------+----------------2------------+ |------------7-5-4-----|---R---------------------R-|-----------2------------R----| |-H7---------------7-5-|-3--------3---------3------|-0-----0---------------------| +----------------------+--------3------3-----------+-----0---------------------2-+
Bm- ble. Am(add9) D Cmaj7 e e e e e e e e+ +Q e h w +-----4-----------+--------+--------------+ |---4-------------|----R-R-|------R-------| |-2-------2---2-0-|--0-----|--------------| +-------2---2-----+--------+--------------+
BRIDGE: ------
G/Bw G D w Cmaj7 G/Bw G +------------+--------------+-------------+ |----R-------|----R---------|----R--------| |------------|--------------|-------------| +------------+--------------+-------------+
D Yes, I Cmaj7told___ you that G/Bthe light Ggoes Dup and down._ Don't you Cmaj7no - h q e e+ +Q e+ +q q h+ +e e e e+ +------------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------+ |-R-R------R-------|-----------------------|----------------------R---------| |------------3-----|--3--------2---2-------|--5-----------5-5---------3-----| +------------------+---------------------3-+--------------------------------+
- tice hoG/Bw the wheelG goes D'round. And youCmaj7 bet - ter pickG/B yourselfG up + Q e+ +q q h+e e e e+ +Q e+ +h h +----------------------------+----------------------+---------------------+ |----------------------------|------------R---------|---------------------| |--(3)---------2-----2-------|-5-5----5-------3-----|--3-------2---2------| +------------------------3---+----------------------+-------------------3-+
Dfrom the ground__ beCmaj7fore they bring the G/Bcurtain Gdown.__D_ Yes, beCmaj7fore e e e e e e e e+ +Q e+ +q q e e e e e e e e+ +-------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------------+ |-------------------------------|------------------------------|------------------------| |-5-5--5-----5----5---5-5-3-----|--3----------2---2------------|-5-5-5-5-5-5----5-3-----| +-------------------------------+--------------------3---------+------------------------+
GUITAR SOLO: -----------
they bring they G/Bcurtain Gdown. D C G/B G + Q e+ +q e s s e e e s s e e e e+ +Q e+q e s s +--------------------------------+---7-7-------------+----------------+ |--------------------------------|-------------------|----------------| |--(3)----------2----2-------3-4-|-5-----3-4-5-5-5-3-|--3-2-2-----3-4-| +-----------------------3--------+-------------------+----------3-----+
De e e e e e e Cmaj7e+ +e e e G/Be+e e Ge s s eD s s s s s s s s s s e eCmaj7+ +-----7-7-7-----------+------------------------+---7-7---7-7---7-7-------------+ |-----------7---------|------------------------|-------R-----R-----------------| |-5-5---------5-3-----|--3-3-3-2-2-2---(3)-(4)-|-5-----------------5-5-5-3-----| +---------------------+--------------3---------+-------------------------------+
+ Q eG/B+q Gq Dq e e e e e Cmaj7e+ +e e e e+G/Be e Gq +---------------+-------------------------+-----------------+ |---------------|----X/7--X/7-5-4---------|------------R----| |--(3)-2-2------|-5---------------5-3-----|--3-3-3-2-2------| +-------------3-+-------------------------+---------------3-+
Dq+s s s s s s s sCmaj7 s s e+ +q e G/Be+q Gq Dq s s s s s s s s sCmaj7 s e+ +-------7-7-7-5-----------+-------------+---------(5)-7-7-5-----------+ |-----7---------7-5-3-----|-------------|---R-(7)-----------7-5-3-----| |-5-5-----------------5-3-|--3-3-2-2----|-5-----------------------5-3-| +-------------------------+-----------3-+-----------------------------+
+ e e e eG/B+e s s Gq Dh e e Cmaj7e e+ +e e e e+q q +--------------------+------------+--------------+ |--------------------|------------|--------------| |--(3)-3-3-2-2-2-0---|-5-5-5-5-3--|--3-3-3-2-2---| +------------------3-+------------+------------3-+
VERSE 3: -------
D Am Talkin' 'bout a Dgirl that looks quite like e e e e e e e e Q s s s s s s e e Q s s s s s s s s s s +-----------------+-----------------------+------------------5-7-----------+ |-----------------|-----5-R-5-7-R-------R-|------------5-7-R-----R-5-7-R---| |-5-5-5-5-5-4-3-2-|-0-7------------0------|-5----------------------------5-| +-----------------+-----------------------+--------------------------------+
Em(add9)you. Am She did-n't have the e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Q e s s e q +--------------------+------------------+----------------------+ |----------------R---|------------------|-------5-6-7----------| |-7----7-7-7-7-7---2/|-/7-7-7-7-7-5-----|---7------------------| +--------------------+--------------8-7-+-5-------------5------+
Dtime to wait in the queue. Em Q s s s s s s s e s e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s s s s +---------------5-7------------+-----------------+------9-7-5-4---------+ |---------5-7-R------R-5-7-----|-------------R---|--------------7-5-----| |-5------------------------5---|-7-7-7-7-7-7---2/|-/7-7-------------7-5-| +------------------------------+-----------------+----------------------+
C She cried a-Amway her life since she fell off the cra- -Bm dle. Am(add9) q e e e e e e e e e e q e e e e e e e e e e+ +w +-----------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------+---------++ |---R-------------R-----|--------------------------R--------|-----------------|---------|| |-3-------3-------------|-0-----0---------0-----------------|-2-2-2---2---2-0-|--0------|| +-----3---------3-----0-+-----0-------0----------------2----+-------2---2-----+---------++
========================================================================== Tab created using "The Bass Tab Creator" by Mario D'Alessio __ +|oo|+ Notes: +|oo|+ w = Whole h = Half q = Quarter || e = 8th s = 16th t = 32nd x = 64th || || Capitol notes are dotted notes (1.5 x duration) || || n || +----+ +----+ || |*--*+ = MEASURE |4:--| = TIME _ || _ |*--*+ REPEATS |4:--| SIGNATURES \\_||_// +----+ (n=Num Repeats) +----+ | [] | | || | + = TIE ^ = TRIPLET ^ = BEND / [] \ H = HAMMER ON \ = SLIDE TO FRET R = REST \______/ P = PULL OFF /X = SLIDE TO NOWHERE ~ = TRILL