Eraserheads - Shake yer head
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Tuning: E A D G B E
Do this after the first line in each refrain:
Riff (Bass E: 0-2-5-0-2)
Use F#m for the last "2" in the riff for smooth transition to the chord
[Verse 1]
I was bAorn, upside dBm7own
I felt my grAandma put my feet on the grBm7ound
They put a spAoon in my moBm7uth
And everyoAne was shocked to hear me sBm7hout
Well I knAew I couldn't take
All the dEog food that they make
I'd just as sAoon as put myself on a stDake and burn
AI saw it comin' aroEund
F#mI saw it comin' aroDund, yeah
AI saw it comin' arEound
So I jDust, yDmeah
Shook my head and walked awAay
[Verse 2]
I grew uAp in a tBm7own
Where everybAody tried to push me arBm7ound
The girls were alAright, but the guys were tBm7ough
They're always buAggin' me with macho sBm7tuff
Well, I aiAn't no stupid fighter
I gEo for flower power
I've been runAning every race just to save my faDce, yeah
I sAaw it comin' aroEund
I F#msaw it comin' arDound, yeah
I sAaw it comin' arEound
So I juDst, yDmeah
Shook my head and walked awAay
A Bm7 A Bm7
Well, they F#mtry to see if you cDare
It's just a matEter of not begging for mAore
You know it's reF#mally suicidal to jDust give in
With people yEou can never really be sE7ure
O-hoh, when it gets down Ato this, they'll eat you Bm7up
When the words get in your heAad, they'll get you Bm7up
It's a saving grAace to have enBm7ough
When you fAind yourself in a compBm7romising spot
You should kAnow, you shouldn't take
All that dBm7og food that they make
You'd just as sAoon as put yourself on a stDake and burn
AYou'll see it comin' aroEund
F#mYou'll see it comin', comin' aroDund
When you, oAh, when you see it coming arEound
You jDust, yDmeah
Shake yer head and walk aAway!
YBm7eah! (Shake yer head and walk awAay)
ShAake, shake, shake
ShBm7ake yer head
ShAake, shake, shake
ShBm7ake yer head
Yes, the one you think wiAth
OhhBm7 c'mon, c'mon
A Bm7