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Song: WHAT'S FOREVER FOR Artist: England Dan & John Ford Coley Chords by: Louie A. Ebojo From: Tuning: EADGBe Chords: C x32010 Am x02210 Dm xx0231 Em 022000 F 133211 G 320033 Intro: C-Dm-G-;(2x)
CI've been loDmoking at peGople, CAnd how they cDmhange with the tGimes. CAnd lately, Dmall I've been sEmeeing are pFeople Throwing lCove away and losing their mGinds.
CMaybe it's Dmme who's gone cGrazy, C'Cause I can't fDmigure out Gwhy CAll these lDmovers keep hEmurting each oFther When gCood love is so hard to come Gby.
CSo, what's the gAmlory in liDmving,G Doesn't anyCbody ever sAmtay toDmgether anGymore' CAnd if love nDmever Emlasts foFrever C G C-Dm-Em-F-- Tell me, what's forever for.
CI've been lisDmt'nin' to peGople, CAnd they say lDmove is the kGey. CAnd it's not my Dmway to let them lEmead me astFray, It's oCnly that I want to beGlieve.
CSo, what's the gAmlory in liDmving,G Doesn't anyCbody ever sAmtay toDmgether anGymore' CAnd if love nDmever Emlasts foFrever C G C- Tell me, what's forever for.
I see in-Flove hungry peEmople Tryin' their bAmest to survive While in their hDmeads they dream of rEmomance If they could kFeep it alGive.
CSo, what's the gAmlory in liDmving,G Doesn't anyCbody ever sAmtay toDmgether anGymore' CAnd if love nDmever Emlasts foFrever Tell me, Cwhat's foGrever fCor.
CAnd if love nDmever Emlasts foFrever C G C-Dm-Em-F--C Tell me, what's forever for.
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