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If you could sCee me now FThe one who saG7id that he would raCther roam FThe one who saG7id he'd rather bCe alone FIf you could oG7nly see me noCw
CIf I could hold you now FJust for a momG7ent, if I could really mCake you mine FJust for a whiG7le turn back the haCnds of time FIf I could onG7ly hold you nCow C7
FOh, I've been too long in the G7wind CToo long in the raiFn FTakin' any comfG7ort that I cCan C7 FLookin' back and longG7in' for the freCedom of my chaFins FAnd lying in your lG7ovin' arms agCain
CIf you could hear me now FSingin' somewG7here in the loneCly night FDreaming of the aG7rms that holCd me tight FIf you could oG7nly hear me nCow
FOh , I've been too long in the wiG7nd CToo long in the rFain FTakin' any cG7omfort that I cCan C7 FLookin' back and lonG7gin' for the freedCom of my chaiFns FAnd lying in your loG7vin' arms agaCin
FI can almost feel your lG7ovin' arms agaCin.