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Dlord almighty Gi feel my Atemperature Drising
Dhigher and higher Git's burning Athrough to my Dsoul
Dgirl girl girl Gyou're gonna Aset me on Dfire
Dmy brain is flaming Gi don't know Awhich way to Dgo
Bmyour kisses Alift me Ghigher
Bmlike the sweet song Aof the Gchoir
Bmyou blind my Amorning Gsky
Awith burning Dlove
ooh ooh ooh i feel my temperature rising
help me baby my fever's a 109
burnin burnin burnin and nothing can cool me down
i might turn to smoke but baby i feel fine
it's coming closer the flames are licking my body
won't you help me i feel i'm slipping away
it's hard to breath my chest is a heaving
lord have mercy i'm burning the whole day
i'm a hunka hunka burning love
(repeat and fade)