Elton John - Ticking
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Tuning: E A D G B E
F"An extremely quiet child"Bb/F they called you in your school reFports Bb/F
F"He's always taken interest Bbsus/Fin the suBb/Fbjects that he's tFaught" Bb/F
So wAmhat was it that brought the squad car screaming up your dGmrive
CTo notify your parents of the maBbnner in which you diFed Bb/F
FAt St. Patricks every SundBb/Fay, Father Fletcher heard your sFins Bb/F
F"Oh, he's unconcerned with cBbsus/FompetitioBb/Fn he never cares to wFin" Bb/F
But Amblood stained a young hand that never held a gGmun
CAnd his parents never thought of himBb as their troubled sFon Bb/F
F"NoAm/Ew you'll neDmver get to Heaven"
GmMama said RCemember Mama said TiFcking, ticA7king
Dm"Grow up straight and true blue, RGmun along to bed"
CHeaC/Bbr it, hAmear itGm, ticking, tFicking
FThey had you holed up in a downtownBb/F bar screaming for a priFest Bb/F
FSome gook said "His brain's just snapped"Bbsus/F then somBb/Feone called the poFlice Bb/F
You'Amd knifed a Negro waiter who had tried to calm you dGmown
COh you'd pulled a gun and told them all to Bblay still on the groFund Bb/F
FPromising to hurt no one, Bb/Fproviding they were stFill
FA young man tried to make a break, Bbsus/Fwith tearBb/F-filled eyes you kFilled
ThatAm gun butt felt so smooth and warm cradled in your pGmalm
COh your childhood cried out in your head "tBbhey mean to do you hFarm"
F"DoAm/En't ever riDmde on the devil's knee" MaGmma said
CRemember mama said TFicking, tiA7cking
Dm"Pay your penance well, my child FGmear where angels tread"
CHeaC/Bbr it, hAmear itGm, ticking, tFicking
FWithin an hour the news haBb/Fd reached the media maFchine
FA male caucasian with a gun had gonBbsus/Fe berserkBb/F in Queens
The Amarea had been sealed off, the kids sent home from sGmchool
CFourteen people lying dead in a bar they caBblled the Kicking MulFe
FOh they pleaded to your sanity fBb/For the sake of those insFide
F"Throw out your gun, walk out slow Bbsus/Fjust keepBb/F your hands held hFigh"
But Amthey pumped you full of rifle shells as you stepped out the dGmoor
COh you danced in death like a marionetteBb on the vengeance of the laFw
F"YoAm/Eu've slDmept too long in silence" MGmama said
CRemember Mama said TFicking, tiA7cking
Dm"Crazy boy, you'll only wind up with strange nGmotions in your head"
CHeaC/Bbr it, hAmear itGm, ticking, tFicking
Outro: F - C/F - Bb/F