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What hGappened here? As the New York sunset Ddisappeared I found an Empty GAarden, among the flagstones tBmhere Who lGived here? He must have been a gardener who caDred a lot who weeded out the tears and grew a gAood crop Now it all looks sBmtrange It's funny how one iGnsect can dAamage so much gDrain
And Gwhat's it for, this little Empty Garden by the Dbrownstone door and in the cracks along the sAidewalk nothing grows no Bmmore Who lGived here? He must have been gardener who cDared a lot who weeded out the tears and grew a gAood crop and we are so aBmmazed we're crippled and we're Gdazed A gardener like that Aone, no one can Dreplace
And I've been Gknockin' and no one aDnswers And I've beeen Gknockin' most all the Bmday Oh, and I've been Emcallin' oh, hey, hey BmJohnny can't you come GouAt to plaDy?
And tGhrough their tears some say he farmed his best in yDounger years but he'd have said the roots grow sAtronger If only he were Bmhere Who Glived here? He must have been a gardener who Dcared a lot who weeded out the tears and grew Agood crop Now we pray for rBmain And with every drop that Gpours we Ahear, we hear your namDe
And I've been kGnockin' and no one Danswers And I've been Gknockin' most all the daBmy oh, and I've been Emcalling oh, hey, hey BmJohnny can't you come oGut, caAn't you come out and pDlay
JohEmnny, cGan't you come out to pAlay in your Empty GDarden (repeat)