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EL DORADO Year: 2000 Album: THE ROAD TO EL DORADO Writers: Elton John Tim Rice C(no bass) (C Am7 F Bb GB C)* (C Am7 F Bb GB C)* C FC C Our glorious ci- ty C F CE F Was build by the divinities by Gods D7F# G Who saw fit to bestow C FC C The gift of a paradise Am7 F CE F Peaceful and harmonious up-on D7F# G Us mere mortals below
And made CEl Dorado Am7 CG G The magnificent and gol-den
One FthousandG years Cago Am7 F CF Bb GB C El Dorado, El Dora-do, El Dora_______do
FC C But all this was gran- ted F CE For only one millenium F D7F# G FC I know my legacy is to fulfill C FC C My promise to all my people F CE F Who have trusted me, the Gods D7F# G Will approve of us still FC C Preserve El Dora- do Am7 CG G The magnificent and gol-den
And FI beGlieve Cthey will
Am7 F CF Bb GB C El Dorado, El Dora-do, El Dora_______do Am7 F CF Bb GB GB El Dorado, El Dora-do, El Dora_______do
The mCountaiFns so high and waters deep CW G Are her disguise
GmHer seAcrets are Dmsafe from foreign hands C GB And eyes forever
FC C Preserve El Dora- do Am7 CG G The magnificent and gol-den
And FI beGlieve Cthey will
Am7 F CF Bb GB C El Dorado, El Dora-do, El Dora_______do Am7 F CF Bb GB C El Dorado, El Dora-do, El Dora_______do Am7 F CF Bb GB C El Dorado, El Dora-do, El Dora_______do Am7 F CF Bb GB C El Dorado, El Dora-do, El Dora_______do C