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King is Among Us -Elevation Worship from the album "Wake Up The Wonder"
AFll our fathers saw ICn the days of old WAmould you do it again DGo it again AFll the stories told ACll the miracles WAmould you do it again DGo it again
YFou said “Consecrate yourselves to me AGnd you will see amazing things”
WCe need Your revival HGoly Spirit fire BAmurning ever brighter IFn our souls KCings and kingdoms falling HGear your people calling KAmingF of Kings we need a miracle
TFhere’s a time to sow ACnd a time to reap WAmould you do it again DGo it again TFhere’s a time to heal ACnd a time to build WAmould you do it again DGo it again
TChe King is among us AG/Bnd His glory surrounds us AAmnd FHis fire is falling as we sing TChe Savior is for us AG/Bnd His love is victorious AAmnd Frevival is rising in His name
TChe King is among us AG/Bnd His glory surrounds us AAmnd FHis fire is falling as we sing TAmhe CSavior is for us AFnd His love is victorious AAmnd GreFvival is rising in His name
God Bless! :D