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The song is originally for Ukulele, but guitar's pretty much the same thing. This
is kinda transcribed from a Uke tab, but it sounds fine to me. Enjoy!
CI'm falling harder than IF've
Cever fell before F
CI'm fallin faster, hopinFg
CI'll land in your armsF
DmCause all my tiAme is spent here
FLonging to beloG7ng
to you C F C F
Instrumental thingy:
CI dream of circles perfectF,
Ceyes within your faceF
CMy heart's an open wound thatF
Conly you replace F
DmAnd though the mF#oon is risinGg,
Dmcan't put your F#picture dowGn
DmLove can be frF#ightening wheGn you fallC F C F
DmAnd when the timeA is right,
FI hope that you'll reG7spond
DmLike when the wind gets tiAred
Fand the ocean becomes cG7alm
DmI may be dreaming but IA'm
Flonging to belongG7 to youC F C F
And that's it!