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Take It To The Limit chords (version 1) The Eagles Capo II A D(DDD A*) A E D A D (DDD A*) All alone at the end of the of the evening A D (DDD A*) And the bright lights have faded to blue
I was Athinking bout a C#7woman who might have F#mLoved me and I never EknewE7
EYou know I ve always been a Adreamer (spent my life Drunning round) And it s so hard to Achange (can t seem to Dsettle down) But the dreams I ve seen BmlatelyD Keep on turning out and Eburning out And Dturning out the DsaEme
So Dput me on a Ahighway And Dshow me a Asign And Dtake it to the Elimit one more Atime
A D(DDD A*)A E D A D (DDD A*) You can spend all your time making money A D (DDD A*) You can spend all your love making time
If it Aall fell to C#7pieces toF#mmorrow Would you still be Emine?E7 EAnd when you re looking for your Afreedom (nobody Dseems to care) And you can t find the Adoor (can t find it Danywhere) When there s nothing to beBmlieve inD Still you re coming back, you re Erunning back You re Dcoming back for DmoEre
So Dput me on a Ahighway And Dshow me a Asign And Dtake it to the Elimit one more F#mtimeD
DTake it to the Elimit DTake it to the Elimit DTake it to the Elimit one more AtimeE 5x
One more Atime * optional for effect
Set8 Take It To The Limit chords (version 2) The Eagles C F C G F
All aClone at the end of the of the Fevening And the Cbright lights have faded to Fblue I was Cthinking bout a E7woman who might have AmLoved me and I never Gknew
You know I ve always been a Cdreamer (spent my life Frunning round) And it s so hard to Cchange (can t seem to Fsettle down) But the dreams I ve seen DmlatelyF Keep on Gturning out and Fburning out And Gturning out the FsameG
So Fput me on a Chighway And Fshow me a Csign And Ftake it to the Glimit one more CtimGe F
You can Cspend all your time making Fmoney You can Cspend all your love making Ftime If it Call fell to E7pieces toAmmorrow Would you still be Gmine? And when you re looking for your Cfreedom (nobody Fseems to care) And you can t find the Cdoor (can t find it Fanywhere) When there s nothing to beDmlieve inF Still you re Gcoming back, you re Frunning back You re Gcoming back for FmoreG
So Fput me on a Chighway And Fshow me a Csign And Ftake it to the Glimit one more CtimGe FTake it to the Glimit FTake it to the Glimit FTake it to the Glimit one more CtimeG 5x
One more Ctime Set8