Duran Duran - Sunrise
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Duran Duran - Sunrise
One of the greatest songs ever. Searched the chords on keyboard while paying attention
to what is actually played, because I had not found a correct version yet. Below is my
best guess.
Intro: Dm7
Now the Dmtime has cC/Dome
The Am/Dmusic's betGm7ween us
Though the Dmnight seems yoC/Dung
Am/D Is at an Gm7end
Only Dmchange will C/Dbring
Am/D You out of the darGm7kness
In this Dmmoment everytC/Dhing
Is bAm/Dorn agGm7ain
Chorus x 2
GmReach up for the Dsunrise
Put your Fhands into the Dbig sky
GmYou can touch the Dsunrise
Feel the Fnew day enter Dyour life