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Another one that is sometimes difficult to hear, but I think the chords are correct. me if there are any changes!! The "E" is tough to hear and comes on the 3rd beat of the four count (one quick beat!). So it's Am / / / | G / / / | F / / / | F / / E |
AmShe's Ggentle to the Ftouch F E
AmShe's eGverything head FfirstF


E Am G So Fhappy to be causing FtroEuble AmSometimes ThGe pressure gets tooF much And you tFhink she's going tEo bAmurst G And sFhatter like a Christmas bubble E AmI'll be theGre when the Fworld is coming dFown upon herE AmWhen she's sGcared, I'll be Fthere Fighting Fin her corneEr
AmShe Gcries when she's Falone FFor all life's lEittle knAmocks G FEverything is supposed to Fmake us toughEer AmThinking it Gdoesn't really sFhow But IF know how sEhe hAmurts G And IF can't bare to see herF suffeEr AmI'll be theGre when the Fworld is Fcoming down upon heEr AmWhen she's sGcared, I'll be Fthere FFighting in her cornEer AmI'll be tGhere when the Fworld is Fclosing to surround Eher AmIn the aGir as she Ffalls with my Farms arounEd her
DmHolding on I'm Flooking out for Her thin sGkin Because she's eFverything and IE don't think she knows
AmShe's sGuch a gentle FtouchF E AmShe's too Gmuch a gentle Ftouch F E AmShe lGikes to catch the sFun Plays wiFth it like Ea bAmall G And nevFer mind whatever keeps itF burningE AmSomeday, she mGight just be the Fone FWhose going to save Eus aAmll G If tFhis apocalipse isF comingE
(Repeat same chords throughout) I'll be there when the world is coming down upon her When she's scared, I'll be there Fighting in her corner I'll be there when the world is closing to surround her In the air as she falls with my arms around her Holding on I'm looking out for Her thin skin Because she's everything and I don't think she knows I don't think she knows I don't think she knows (she's too much) I don't think she knows (she's too much) a gentle touch