Dr. Dog - That old black hole
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Despite the insane drumming(Eric Slick?) at the back end of this song, I think you can
rock this one out on the acoustic if you get the strumming down, especially the double
time part. I tried to nail the chord changes on the lyrics but this editor kinda sucks.
Maybe my first and last guitar tab! Feel free to contact me at padzeke@me.com.
Intro: Gmin - 4bars
GminI put on my clothes like Bmaja body guard
I put thC#m7e dogs on patrol in my owEmajn back yard
GminI don't wanna fight but I'm conBmajstantly ready
And C#m7I don't rock the boat, but it's aEmajlways unsteady
There's aEmajn elephant in my head
And I Bmajtip toe around it
There areC#m7 eggshells on the floor
Therefore EmajI never touch the ground
It's like that Emajold black hole,
NoF#maj matter how you try,
YoF#maju set out each day
F#majNever to arrive
I got myGmin eyes on the prize
But it lBmajooks just like a mystery
And it aC#m7ll goes by on the loneEmajsome trail to victory
I'm Gmindrawing in the blinds, I got myBmaj own four walls
And the shC#m7ow really starts once the cuEmajrtain falls
Take thisEmaj thorn from my side
Fix this Bmajchip on my shoulder
Time is rC#m7acing with the clock
And I ainEmaj't getting any older
It's like that Emajold black hole,
NoF#maj matter how you try,
It's like that Emajold black hole,
NoF#maj matter how you try,
It's like that Emajold black hole,
NoF#maj matter how you try,
YoF#maju set out each day
F#majNever to arrive
BmajI put on my finest thread
And I Bmajwrap up my body tight C#m7
With the sun in my eyeC#m7s
I step into the nBmajight
Like thC#m7e mystery in the darEmajk
Oh, it's just another kind of light
I don'Bmajt expect you to believe me
But evC#m7erything is al--riBmajght
I don't maBmajke rules for a living
I don'Bmajt do tricks for a dime C#m7
I was born on a gC#m7ood day,
Deaf, dumb and blBmajind.
Who amC#m7 I to tell the Emajtruth?
I don't even know what it is.
I Bmajdon't know how to say it but I C#m7know that I can showBmaj you.
I Bmajdon't know how to say it but I C#m7know that I can showBmaj you.
(now for the fun..double time)
I tie Bmajmy boots up tight
AnBmajd I head straight for bed
There's aC#m7 pistol and a crystal
C#m7Underneath my pillow
There'sBmaj a tender heart
Inside thatBmaj ugly armadillo
"These areC#m7 tears of joy,"
Cried theF#maj weeping willow
There's Emaja spirit in the air
And theF#majre ain't no way around it
I was Bmajnot prepared to lose it
On the C#m7moment that I found it
It's like that Emajold black hole,
NoF#maj matter how you try,
It's like that Emajold black hole,
NoF#maj matter how you try,
It's like that Emajold black hole,
NoF#maj matter how you try,
YoF#maju set out each day
F#majNever to arrive
Hang onto that end chord:Bmaj