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EOne thing we asBk of You, DOne thing that A2we desire EThat as we wBorship You, LDord, come and cA2hange our lives ArEise, arBise, arC#mise, arA2ise
AErise, take Your Bplace Be C#menthroned on our Apraise AErise, King of kiBngs, HolyC#m God, as we sing A
AErise B C#m A AErise B C#m A
EWe lift you up (3x) On our DPraise EWe lift you up (3x) On our DPraise EWe lift you up (3x) On our DPraise EWe lift you up (3x) On our APraise
[Chorus Key Change]
AFrise, take Your Cplace Be Dmenthroned on ourBb praise AFrise, King of kCings, Holy DmGod, as we siBbng