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IN A JAR - Dinosaur Jr Tabbed by: Garrett Z --- ***Other tabs got the general idea, but had lots of inaccuracies. I thank them for providing a base*** ***I believe this tab to be accurate and comprehensive, but corrections are welcome!*** **Watch live YouTube performances to see that this is how J plays it, and to get the strumming** //Enjoy! --- Verse (open strings under the C power chord for that nice jangle): Figure A: "I'll be grazing by your window... Please come pat me on the head" C G Em B e|--0--|--3--|-----|-----| B|--0--|--0--|-----|--2--| G|--5--|--0--|-----|--4--| D|--5--|--0--|--2--|--4--| A|--3--|--2--|--2--|--2--| E|-----|--3--|--0--|-----| Figure B: "I just want to find out what you're nice to me for" C G Am e|--0--|--3--|--0--| B|--0--|--0--|--1--| G|--5--|--0--|--2--| D|--5--|--0--|--2--| A|--3--|--2--|--0--| E|-----|--3--|-----| Fig.A Fig.B ______________________ Pre-Chorus: Before the change to Am, try lifting off the treble e for a nice transition. D Am e|--2--|--0--| B|--3--|--1--| G|--2--|--2--| D|--0--|--2--| A|-----|--0--| E|-----|-----| "I know you don't have the peel them off no more" D Am e|--2--|--0--| B|--3--|--1--| G|--2--|--2--| D|--0--|--2--| A|-----|--0--| E|-----|-----| ______________________ Chorus: *Make sure to mute the bass E with your thumb on the D5 chord!* If you can't get your little finger over to the 5th fret, you can play the treble e open. (but it doesn't sound as good). "In a jar where you keep me...all I could do was lick your hand" "In a jar the scars are plain to see...I hope somehow you'll know I understand" D5 C Bb e|--5--|--0--|--1--| B|--3--|--0--|--3--| G|--2--|--5--|--3--| D|--0--|--5--|--0--| A|--0--|--3--|--1--| E|--x--|-----|-----| ________ Verse: Fig.A Fig.B Fig.A Fig.B ________ Interlude: During "a little mooore" play this for a few bars...
e|-Bm-2--| B|--3--| G|--4--| D|--4--| A|--2--| E|-----|
then rapid strumming on the F#5: F#5 Fill e|--9--|-----------------| B|--7--|-----------------| G|--6--|--6-9-6----6-----| D|--0--|-------------9-7-| A|--0--|-----------------| E|--x--|-----------------| Repeat. ________ Interlude: "I'll watch you fall apart, babe you know it....You know I'm young and stuff, babe don't blow it" D Db D A D Db D E e|--------4444-----------------------4444----------------------------------------| B|--------6666-----------------------6666----------------------------------------| G|--7777--6666--7777-------22--7777--6666--7777----------------------------------| D|--7777--6666--7777-----2-22--7777--6666--7777------2--22-----------------------| A|--5555--4444--5555--2h4--00--5555--4444--5555--2h4----00-----------------------| E "Just unscrew the top, yeah...Pick me up" D Db D F5 E5 e|--------4444-------------------------------| B|--------6666-----------------6666--5555----| G|--7777--6666--7777-------5b--5555--4444----| D|--7777--6666--7777-----2-----0000--0000----| A|--5555--4444--5555--2h4--------------------| E|-------------------------------------------| A E5 D5 e|-----------------------------------------| B|--------3-------3-2---2------------------| G|--22--4-2--2-4------2--------------------| D|--22--2----------------------------------| A|--00-------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| ________ Solo: Here's an approximation of the solo c/o oldskool11221 + Sam Duckitt from Or improvise some minor pentatonic, 'blues scale' patterns instead. Mash that whammy bar. e|--/---------------------------------------------------------| B|--/9b--r9---------------------------------------------------| G|--/------9~~-----7-6-----------7p6h7p6h7///9wwww------------| D|--/----------9-7-----7-----9-7------------------------------| A|--/--------------------9-7----------------------------------| E|------------------------------------------------------------| e|---------------------14--14--14-17b--r-14-----------------------------| B|////14-12-14-15-14-15--15--15------------17-15~~~b-r------------------| G|----------------------------------------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------------------12wwwwwwwwwwwwwww-| A|----------------------------------------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------------------------------------| Em F#5 G Em F e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|------------------------------------| D|-2-2-2-2-4-4-5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2-3----| A|-2-2-2-2-4-4-5-5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2-3----| E|-0-0-0-0-2-2-3-3-3-3-0-0-0-0-0-1----| ________ Chorus Verse Fig. A End on B chord. ************ | w whammy bar |/ slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend ************