Depeche Mode - Somebody
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I want somebGody to share,
share the Grest of my life
share my Aminnermost thoughts
knAsus2ow my Amintimate detDails
someone who'll Gstand by my side
and Ggive me support
and Amin return she'll
get my support
she will lDisten to mGe
when DI want to sBmpeak
about the woDrld wD7e liGve in
and liDfe in gGeneral
though my vGiews may be wrong
they may eBmven be perverted
she'll hAmear me out
and won't Deasily be conAmverted
to mGy way of thinking
in fact she'll Amoften disagree
at the Gend of it all
she will uBmnderstand me
I want somebGody who cares
for me pGassionately
with evAmery thought and with every brDeath
someone who'll heGlp me see things
in a different light
all the things I detest
I will almost Amlike
I don't waDnt to be tiGed
to anDyones strBmings
I caAmrefully try to stay clear
of thCose things
but whGen I'm asleep,
I want someboAmdy
who will pCut their arms around me
kiss me tenBmderly
though thGings like this,
make me siAmck
in a caGse like this
I'll get aBmway with it