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So... This is my first tab, and I guess it's accurate... DAVID BOWIE & QUEEN ''Under Pressure'' D* 000775 A/D 0009.10.9 G/D 000787 A/D* 000655 A/C# 042220 G/B 020030 A 003330 G 320003 A/G 302220 D/F# 200232 A7 003030 Bm7 024232 C 032010 Am 002210 F 133211 G6/F 100000 G7 320002 D* A/D Pressure pushing down on me
Pressing dG/Down on you no man aA/Dsk for Under Dpressure That burns a A/C#building down Splits a fG/Bamily in two Puts pAeople on streets BDah bah A/C#bah bah bG/Bah bah x2 TAhat's o-kay! It's the teGrror of knowing What this wA/Gorld is about WaGtching some good friends Screaming lA/Get me out! Pray tomGorrow takes meA/B higher Pressure D/F#on people PGeople on sA7treets
Do do dDo bah bah bah bah O-kay D* Chippin' around KiA/Gck my brains round the floor ThG/Dese are the days A/D* D It never rains but it pours PDeople on stA/C#reets Bm7People on strAeets It's thGe terror of knowing WhatA/G this world is about WatGching some good friends Screaming lA/Get me out! Pray tGomorrow takesA/G# me higher higher higher Pressure onD/F# people People Gon strA7eets Turned awGay from it all Like a bClind man SaGt on a fence but it dCon't work Keep comGing up with love But it's so slCashed and torn Why -Am---why G6/FWhy? F G6/F ALove love love loA7ve InsaAnity laughs under pressure we're cracking CaGn't we gDive ourselves one mGore chanAce ? Why caGn't we gDive love that one mGore chAance ? Why caGn't we gDive love giGve lovAe give loGve ? GiDve love give love give love A/C#give love give love ? Cause lBm7ove's such an oAld fashioned wDord And love daA/C#res you to care For peAople on the eDdge of the nA/C#ight And love daBm7res you to chAange our way Of cG7aring about ourselves TG7his is our lA/Gast dance x2 TD/F#his is oursGelveA7s under Dpressure Under presGsurA7e pressDure G A7