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DStrikes the bell for Afive o'clock, Uncle Arthur Dcloses shop, screws the tops on Aall the bottles, turns the lights out, Dlocks it up.
GClimbs across his Abike and he's aDway- Gcycles past the gaAs works, past the C6river, down the Ahigh street, back to Gmother. It's anAother empty D, D#day.
EUncle ADrthur- Alikes his mummy- EUncle ADrthur- Astill reads comics- EUncle ADrthur- Afollows Bat-man-.
DRound and round the Arumours fly, how he ran aDway from mum, on his thirty-Asecond birthday, told her that he'd Dfound a chum.
GMother cried and Araved and yelled and Dfussed- GArthur left her Ano illusion C6brought the girl round, Asave confusion, GSally was the Areal thing not just lD, D#ust.
EUncle ADrthur- Avanished quickly- EUncle ADrthur- Aand his new bride- EUncle ADrthur- Afollows Sally-.
ERound and round goes BArthur's head, hasn't eaten Ewell for days, little Sally Bmay be lovely, but cooking leaves her Ein a maze.
AUncle Arthur Bpacked his bags and Efled. ABack to mother, Ball's forgiven DHserving in the Bfamily shop, he Agets his pocket Bmoney, he's well E, F-fed.
F#Uncle AErthur- Bpassed the gas works- F#Uncle AErthur- Bpassed the river- F#Uncle AErthur- Bdown the high street- F#Uncle AErthur- Bfollows mother-.