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From: winston campbell <> Subject: THE CYGNET COMMITTEE by David Bowie This song took me two hours to figure out. It is probably, in my opinion, one of the greatest David Bowie songs. It is off of -Space Oddity- and quite a track coming in at over nine minutes. It is quite a piece moving through so many key changes and other things. Those are things characteristic of -Space Oddity-, figuring out songs off that album is quite difficult. I was quite frustrated trying to get some of it but now that I got all of it, I am quite proud and happy I did it. I am typing this on a word processor program that does not show any quotation or apostrophe marks. So to not cause any confusion on the lyrics, I will use a ~ for an apostrophe and ~~ for both open and closed quotation marks. I took the lyrics right off of the album and even capitalized a lot of things that were capitalized on the album sleeve. I hope you enjoy this, (it took me a really strenuous long time to do but I did enjoy doing it anyway): THE CYGNET COMMITTEE by David Bowie
DI bless you mD/Cadly BmSadly Bbas I tie my sDhoe I love you bD/Cadly BmJust in tBbime, at times, I gDuessD/C BeBmcause of yBbou I need to rDest D/C BBmecause it~s Bbyou that sets the tDest
EbSo much has gone and lBbmittle is new BbmAnd as the spaArrow sings Dawn chF#orus for SBbmomeone else to hear BbmThe thinker sAits alone GrF#owing oBbmlder
And so bitter
F~~I gave Them life, I gave Them Bbmall They Cdrained my very sFmoul...dry FI crushed my heart to ease Their pBbmains No thoCught for me remFmains there Ab BbmNothing can they Dbspare What of mCe'
AmWho praised TheFir efforts to be free' WGords of strengtCh and care and sympathy AmI open doors that Fwould have blocked their way I bGraved Their cauCse to guide for little pay AmI ravaged at my fFinanace just for Those ThoseG whose claims Cwere steeped in peace, tranquility AmThose who said a nFew world, new ways ever free Those whose Gpromises stretCched in hope and grace for me.~~
Am F G
DI bless D/Cyou madly SBmadlyBb as I tDie my shoe I loD/Cve you badly JBmust in Bbtime, at timDes, D/CI guess BeBmcause Bbof you ID neeD/Cd to rest BeBmcause itBb~s you thaDt sets the test
EbSo much has Bbmgone and little is new BbmAnd as tAhe sunrise stream FF#lickerBbms on me My frieBbmnds talkA of glory, untold dream WhF#ere all iBbms God and God is just a word
F~~We had a friBbmend, a talking man WhCo spokeFm of many powers that he had NFot of the besBbmt of men but Ours We uCsed him, WeFm let himAb use his powers We Bbmlet him fDbill our needs Now wCe are strong.
AmAnd the road Fis coming to its end NGow the damned haCve not time to make amends AmNo purse of tokeFn fortunes stands in Our way The sGilent guns of lCove will blast the sky
AmWe broke the rupFtured structure build of age OuGr weapons wCere tongues of crying rage WheAmre money stoodF we planted seeds of rebirth AnGd stabbed the Cbacks of fathers, sons of dirt
InAmfiltrated business cesspools Hating tFhrough Our sleeves Yea, Gand We slit the Catholic throat Stoned thCe poor on slogans as:
-Wish You Could Hear-
-Love Is AmAll We Need- -Kick Out The Jams-
-Kick Out Your Mother-
-CFut Up Your Friend- -Screw Up YouGr Brother or He~ll Get You In the End-
And CWe Know the FAmlag of Love is from Above And FWe Can Force You to Be Free And GWe Can ForCce You to Believe.~~
And I closAme my eyes and tighten up my brain For I once reaFd a book in which the lovers were slain For they Knew Gnot the words of the Free States~ refrain,
It said:
~C~I Believe in the Power of Good I BeAmlieve in the State of Love I WilFl Fight For the Right to be Right G CI Will Kill for the Good of the Fight for the Right to be Right.~~
And I oAmpen my eyesF to look around And I see a cGhild laid slain on the ground CAs a loveAm machine lumbers through desolation rows FPloughing Gdown man, woman, listening to its command But nCot hearing anymore- Not hearAming anyFmore JustG the shrieks from the old rich
And I WaCnt to Believe In the maGdness that calls ~Now~ And I WaCnt to Believe That a lighGt is shining through somehow
And I WaBbnt to Believe And YoFu Want to Believe And We WaCnt to Believe And We WGant to Live Oh, We WAbant to Live We WBbant to Live We WCant to Live
(marching-type beat configuration appears)
We WantG to Live We WAbant to Live We WBbant To Live I WaCnt to Live
I WaGnt to Live I Want Abto Live I Want Bbto Live I WaCnt to Live I WaGnt to Live
LAbive LBbive LCive
(it continues with the G-Ab-Bb-C chords until it fades) The Chords Used Are: E A D G B E ----------- D x x 0 2 3 x D/C x 3 x 2 3 x Bm x 2 4 4 3 2 Bb x 1 3 3 3 x Eb x 6 5 3 4 3 Bbm x 1 3 3 2 1 A x 0 2 2 2 0 F# 2 4 4 3 2 2 F 1 3 3 2 1 1 C x 3 2 0 1 0 Fm 1 3 3 1 1 1 Ab 4 6 6 5 4 4 Db x 4 6 6 6 x Am x 0 2 2 1 0 G 3 2 0 0 0 3 Make sure to play the marching chords at the end in barre form. And that is pretty much it. Please send my email and comment if you find any errors or anything else not of that nature. Bye-bye. (This thing came out a bit screwed up, especially with the chords above the words, but I hope you get the idea)