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(Port of) AMSTERDAM Written by Jacques Brel (original lyrics in French, English by David Bowie – 1972) As performed by David Bowie
AmIn the port of Amsterdam there's a Emsailor who sings Of the Fdreams that he brings from the Ewide open sea In the Amport of Amsterdam there's a Emsailor who sleeps While the Dmriver bank Eweeps to the old wiAmllow tree In the Cport of Amsterdam there's a Gsailor who Edies Full of Ambeer, full of cries in aEm drunken town Efight In the Fport of Amsterdam there's a Esailor who's born On a Dmhot muggy Emorn by the Amdawn's early light
In the Amport of Amsterdam where the Emsailors all meet There's a Fsailor who eats only Efish heads and tails And he'll Amshow you his teeth that have Emrotted too soon That can Dmhaul up the Esails that can Amswallow the moon And he Cyells to the cook with his Garms open Ewide Hey, Ambring me more fish throw it Emdown by my Eside And he Fwants so to belch but he's Etoo full to try So he Dmstands up and Elaughs and he Amzips up his fly
AmIn the port of Amsterdam you can see saiEmlors dance Paunches Fbursting their pants grinding Ewomen to porch They've forAmgotten the tune that their Emwhiskey voice croaked DmSplitting the Enight with the Amroar of their jokes And they Cturn and they dance and they Glaugh and they Elust Till the Amrancid sound of the acEmcordion Ebursts And then Fout of the night with their Epride in their pants And the Dmsluts that they Etow underAmneath the street lamps
In the Amport of Amsterdam there's a Emsailor who drinks And he Fdrinks and he drinks and he Edrinks once again He'll Amdrink to the health of the Emwhores of Amsterdam Who've Dmgiven their Ebodies to a Amthousand other men Yeah, they've Cbargained their virtue their Ggoodness all Egone For a Amfew dirty coins well he Emjust can't go Eon Throws his Fnose to the sky and he Eaims it up above And he Dmpisses like I Ecry on the Amunfaithful love In the Amport of Amsterdam, in the Emport of Amsterdam
F E Am -E-Am "Port of Amsterdam" was first released as B-side of the "Sorrow" single - 1973 Also a live version on "Bowie at the Beeb" - 2000 Original in French: “Amsterdam” by Jacques Brel - 1961 Submitted by RelecRK