Daughter - The end
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[Verse 1]
This is the eAnd, this is the eEnd
You wBmait to find thatA I am still hEere
And youA've been waiting for the liBmght to sDhine
BmWake up, wakGe up, wakDe up
BmI'll be the answer to Gthe question DI can't answer
AIt's a question yBmou can't spit it oDut
ACan we find
BmWe find, we find a Dway out
AA way out
Bm D A E
[Verse 2]
BmIt's easier to DunderstaAnd E
BmWe die, we're bDuried uAnderground E
BmBut I have staDyed awake sAince then E
BmI'm trying to fDind a new besAt frieEnd
BmYou instigaDte, coEme after chasing
BmOh, what the Dhell sEhould I say then?
BmI missed yoDu
ELet's spend the fAuture talkiBmng about the pDast
AHow you said gooEdbye
BmHow I fucGked your mAind upE
Bm G A E
BmWe really are something elEse
I'd Bmsay you were seDnt here jEust to kBmeep me iDn cEheck
BmMy puDlse is quEick
BmMy neDck is strEetched
BmCruel lover sDays I neEed to juBmst gDet over Eit
BmGet ovDer hEim
BmGet ovDer myEself
Bm A E
Bm G A E (x3)
[Verse 3]
BmThey say there's something iEn the sky
AWe should pay attention
BmI don't care to reEalize
AI'm too busy moping
BmThey say there's something iEn our seas
AWe should all be careful
BmI'm not swimming aEnyway
AI'm too busy moping
BmThey say there's something iEn my house
AThat I should just get out, get out
BmI don't want to be eEscaping
ANo, I'm too busy moping around
BmI'm too busy moping arEound
BmI'm too busy moping aroEund
BmI'm too busy moping aroEund
BmI'm too busy moping arEound
Bm G A E
BmTake a run home, I don’t like whereA you’re going
DRun home, I don’t like the wordsE you're saying
BmRun home, I don’t like whAere you’re going
DRun home, I don’t like the wEords you're saying
BmTake a run home, I don’t like whAere you’re going
DRun home, I don’t like the woErds you're saying
BmRun home, I don’t like wheAre you’re going
DRun home, I don’t like the woErds you're saying