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From the Topanga album. Simple to play. Chords used; B - 799877 F# - 244322 E - 022100 Intro: B - F# - E verse:
BHey now bF#aby E BYou never lF#eft me aloEne yeah BYou used to F#own me E BI was wastiF#ng my lifeE away BHey but latF#ely E BYou're no lF#onger the Eonly BI must have been F#crazy E BBut theres no prF#ize for thEe lonely
EI don't F#miss you Bnow EI don't F#miss you Bnow EI don't F#miss you Bnow EI don't F#miss you Bnow E
Same chords throughout. Comments welcome.