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The Lord's prayer/millennium prayer- Richard Cliff
DOur Father who art in HeaAven DHallowed be thy Gname DThy Kingdom come Athy will be done on eGarth as in Dheaven DGive us to thee our daAily bread DAnd forgive our Gsins DAs we forgive each onAe of those who sinG against us D DAnd lead us not to the tAime of trial DBut deliver us from eGvil DFor thine is theA kingdom theG power and the gloDry
DLet all the peopAle sing Amen DIn every tribe andG tongue DLet every heart desireA be joined GTo see the kingdom comDe DLet every hope and eveAry dream DBe born in love Gagain DLet all the world sing Awith one voice GLet the people say aDmen
Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen (To fade)