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You Dtell me tGhat you Dlove me Gbaby, Dthen you Gsay you Ddon'At. You Dtell me tGhat you're Dgonna come on Gover, Ethen you say you Awon't. You Dlove me Glike a Dhurri..Gcane, Dthen you Gstart to Afreeze. I'll Ggive it to you Dstraight right Bm now...Dplease.A..don'tD tease.A You Dcome right Gout and Dtell Gme, you're Dout with Gsomebody Dnew.A You Dplay it Goh, so Ddoggone Gcool, I Edon't know what to Ado. You Dnever Gseem to Danswer Gme, you Djust don't Ghear my Apleas. I'll Ggive it to you Done more Bmtime...DpleaseA..don't Dtease.
Oh, please don't Atease me.. Ah, you Dknow it Ghurts so Dmuch. Come on, and Asqueeze me, yeah, you know I need your A7tender touch.
REPEAT#1. CHORUS: REPEAT#1.(Last line in this verse he says: 'I'll give it to you one more time...please..don't tease.)