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Hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ...Garry Smythe Please e mail any corrections to:- SONG LISTED BELOW IN VARIOUS KEYS ========================================================================== I Could Easily Fall In Love With You - Cliff Richard Cliff sings this in the key of “ A “ ========================================================================== Introduction
AAum aum, auDm aEum, Aaum aum, Daum aEum, Verse 1
AIf you should tell me that I'll aDlways Abe D E A The one you'll always love so tDrue D A Bm Then I can tEell you oh so eAas - iF#mly I could eaBmsily fEall in love with Ayou D E
Verse 2
AIt wasn't long ago that I sDaw you tAhere, D E ABut even then I thought I kDnew D A Bm Now given Ehalf a chance I'd eAas - F#mily I could eBmasily Efall in love with Ayou
EI've been too lBong on my oEwnsome now, Well I've been too lBong by myEself E7 AWell I couldn't fEeel more loAnesome now If F#mI was Dleft on the sEh - E7elf
Verse 3
ADon't ever change that smile you're sDmiling Anow D E A And please don't let me see you bDlue, D A Bm
And given hEalf a chance I'd eAas - iF#mly, I could eBmasily Efall in love with Ayou
Oh, EI've been too lBong on my oEwnsome, I've been too lBong by mysEelf E7 Well,A I couldn't Efeel more lAonesome now IfF#m I was lDeft on the Esh - E7elf
Verse 4
ADon't ever change that smile you're Dsmiling Anow D E A And please don't let me see you Dblue, D A Bm
Then I can tEell you oh so Aeas –F#m ily I could Bmeasily Efall in love with Ayou D E
AAum aum, aDum aEum, aAum aum, aDum aEum, AAum aum, aDum aEum, aAum aum, aDum aEum, (to fade)
GAum aum, auCm aDum, Gaum aum, Caum aDum, Verse 1
GIf you should tell me that I'll aClways Gbe C D G The one you'll always love so tCrue C G Am Then I can tDell you oh so eGas - iEmly I could eaAmsily fDall in love with Gyou C D
Verse 2
GIt wasn't long ago that I sCaw you tGhere, C D GBut even then I thought I kCnew C G Am Now given Dhalf a chance I'd eGas - Emily I could eAmasily Dfall in love with Gyou
DI've been too lAong on my oDwnsome now, Well I've been too lAong by myDself D7 GWell I couldn't fDeel more loGnesome now If EmI was Cleft on the sDh - D7elf
Verse 3
GDon't ever change that smile you're sCmiling Gnow C D G And please don't let me see you bClue, C G Am
And given hDalf a chance I'd eGas - iEmly, I could eAmasily Dfall in love with Gyou
Oh, DI've been too lAong on my oDwnsome, I've been too lAong by mysDelf D7 Well,G I couldn't Dfeel more lGonesome now IfEm I was lCeft on the Dsh - D7elf
Verse 4
GDon't ever change that smile you're Csmiling Gnow C D G And please don't let me see you Cblue, C G Am
Then I can tDell you oh so Geas –Em ily I could Ameasily Dfall in love with Gyou C D
GAum aum, aCum aDum, aGum aum, aCum aDum, GAum aum, aCum aDum, aGum aum, aCum aDum, (to fade)
CAum aum, auFm aGum, Caum aum, Faum aGum, Verse 1
CIf you should tell me that I'll aFlways Cbe F G C The one you'll always love so tFrue F C Dm Then I can tGell you oh so eCas - iAmly I could eaDmsily fGall in love with Cyou F G
Verse 2
CIt wasn't long ago that I sFaw you tChere, F G CBut even then I thought I kFnew F C Dm Now given Ghalf a chance I'd eCas - Amily I could eDmasily Gfall in love with Cyou
GI've been too lDong on my oGwnsome now, Well I've been too lDong by myGself G7 CWell I couldn't fGeel more loCnesome now If AmI was Fleft on the sGh - G7elf
Verse 3
CDon't ever change that smile you're sFmiling Cnow F G C And please don't let me see you bFlue, F C Dm
And given hGalf a chance I'd eCas - iAmly, I could eDmasily Gfall in love with Cyou
Oh, GI've been too lDong on my oGwnsome, I've been too lDong by mysGelf G7 Well,C I couldn't Gfeel more lConesome now IfAm I was lFeft on the Gsh - G7elf
Verse 4
CDon't ever change that smile you're Fsmiling Cnow F G C And please don't let me see you Fblue, F C Dm
Then I can tGell you oh so Ceas –Am ily I could Dmeasily Gfall in love with Cyou F G
CAum aum, aFum aGum, aCum aum, aFum aGum, CAum aum, aFum aGum, aCum aum, aFum aGum, (to fade)
DAum aum, auGm aAum, Daum aum, Gaum aAum, Verse 1
DIf you should tell me that I'll aGlways Dbe G A D The one you'll always love so tGrue G D Em Then I can tAell you oh so eDas - iBmly I could eaEmsily fAall in love with Dyou G A
Verse 2
DIt wasn't long ago that I sGaw you tDhere, G A DBut even then I thought I kGnew G D Em Now given Ahalf a chance I'd eDas - Bmily I could eEmasily Afall in love with Dyou
AI've been too lEong on my oAwnsome now, Well I've been too lEong by myAself A7 DWell I couldn't fAeel more loDnesome now If BmI was Gleft on the sAh - A7elf
Verse 3
DDon't ever change that smile you're sGmiling Dnow G A D And please don't let me see you bGlue, G D Em
And given hAalf a chance I'd eDas - iBmly, I could eEmasily Afall in love with Dyou
Oh, AI've been too lEong on my oAwnsome, I've been too lEong by mysAelf A7 Well,D I couldn't Afeel more lDonesome now IfBm I was lGeft on the Ash - A7elf
Verse 4
DDon't ever change that smile you're Gsmiling Dnow G A D And please don't let me see you Gblue, G D Em
Then I can tAell you oh so Deas –Bm ily I could Emeasily Afall in love with Dyou G A
DAum aum, aGum aAum, aDum aum, aGum aAum, DAum aum, aGum aAum, aDum aum, aGum aAum, (to fade)
EAum aum, auAm aBum, Eaum aum, Aaum aBum, Verse 1
EIf you should tell me that I'll aAlways Ebe A B E The one you'll always love so tArue A E F#m Then I can tBell you oh so eEas - iC#mly I could eaF#msily fBall in love with Eyou A B
Verse 2
EIt wasn't long ago that I sAaw you tEhere, A B EBut even then I thought I kAnew A E F#m Now given Bhalf a chance I'd eEas - C#mily I could eF#masily Bfall in love with Eyou
BI've been too lF#ong on my oBwnsome now, Well I've been too lF#ong by myBself B7 EWell I couldn't fBeel more loEnesome now If C#mI was Aleft on the sBh - B7elf
Verse 3
EDon't ever change that smile you're sAmiling Enow A B E And please don't let me see you bAlue, A E F#m
And given hBalf a chance I'd eEas - iC#mly, I could eF#masily Bfall in love with Eyou
Oh, BI've been too lF#ong on my oBwnsome, I've been too lF#ong by mysBelf B7 Well,E I couldn't Bfeel more lEonesome now IfC#m I was lAeft on the Bsh - B7elf
Verse 4
EDon't ever change that smile you're Asmiling Enow A B E And please don't let me see you Ablue, A E F#m
Then I can tBell you oh so Eeas –C#m ily I could F#measily Bfall in love with Eyou A B
EAum aum, aAum aBum, aEum aum, aAum aBum, EAum aum, aAum aBum, aEum aum, aAum aBum, (to fade)
FAum aum, auBbm aCum, Faum aum, Bbaum aCum, Verse 1
FIf you should tell me that I'll aBblways Fbe Bb C F The one you'll always love so tBbrue Bb F Gm Then I can tCell you oh so eFas - iDmly I could eaGmsily fCall in love with Fyou Bb C
Verse 2
FIt wasn't long ago that I sBbaw you tFhere, Bb C FBut even then I thought I kBbnew Bb F Gm Now given Chalf a chance I'd eFas - Dmily I could eGmasily Cfall in love with Fyou
CI've been too lGong on my oCwnsome now, Well I've been too lGong by myCself C7 FWell I couldn't fCeel more loFnesome now If DmI was Bbleft on the sCh - C7elf
Verse 3
FDon't ever change that smile you're sBbmiling Fnow Bb C F And please don't let me see you bBblue, Bb F Gm
And given hCalf a chance I'd eFas - iDmly, I could eGmasily Cfall in love with Fyou
Oh, CI've been too lGong on my oCwnsome, I've been too lGong by mysCelf C7 Well,F I couldn't Cfeel more lFonesome now IfDm I was lBbeft on the Csh - C7elf
Verse 4
FDon't ever change that smile you're Bbsmiling Fnow Bb C F And please don't let me see you Bbblue, Bb F Gm
Then I can tCell you oh so Feas –Dm ily I could Gmeasily Cfall in love with Fyou Bb C
FAum aum, aBbum aCum, aFum aum, aBbum aCum, FAum aum, aBbum aCum, aFum aum, aBbum aCum, (to fade)