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Capo: 3
Chris Tomlin - Majesty of Heaven - Capo 3: C2 3rd Fret (6th fret from top when you add the capo on 3rd fret): |*| | | | |*| | | | |*| |*| | |*| |*| | |*| | | | | | | | | Intro: C2, G, C2, G Verse 1:
C2Majesty of HGeaven C2 Your glory fillGs the skies C2 Light of the World Em7 You are DsusLord of all D C2Humbled by your preseGnce C2 Amazed by wGho You are C2 Nothing Em7compares You are DsusLord of all D
GTo You, the Cnations bow down GTo You, CrCeation cries out Em7MajesDsusty GAll things you hCold together GYour Name will stCand forever Em7MajestDsusy Em7You are, MajDsusesty
Verse 2:
C2Merciful and MighGty C2 My heart is oveGrwhelmed C2 You stand aEm7lone You are DsusLord of all D
Verse 3:
GYour name Cabove all others Em7High and eDsusxalted GYour kingdom shall reignC forever Em7High and exDsusalted (Repeat)
Order: Verse 1 Chorus Verse 2 Chorus Verse 3 Chorus Chorus I played this by ear so tell me what you think! I am open to corrections! -whunters10