Chris Rea - Road to hell
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AmStood still on the highway
I saw a woE7man by the side of the rAmoad
With a fAmace that I knew like my own
Reflected in the winE7dow
And I walAmked down to the quarter line
And bDment down real slow
A fearful preAmssure paraE7lyzed me in my sAmhadow
She said &qE7uot;son what are you doAming here?
My fear for you has turned me in my grE7ave"
I said &quAmot;Mama I come to the valley of the rich
DmMyself to sell"
She said &qAmuot;son this is E7the roadAm to hE7ell"
On your jouAmrney 'cross the wilderness
From the deDmsert to the well
You have stAmrayed upon the motE7orway to hAmell
AmWell I'm standing by the river,
DmBut the water doesn't flow.
FIt boils with every pE7oison
You can tAmhink of.
And I'm undAmerneath the street light,
And the liDmght of joy I know,
FScared beyond beE7lief,
Way down in the sAmhadows.
And the pervCerted fear of violence,
Chokes a smGile on every face,
CoFmmon sense is ringing, out the bE7ells.
AmThis ain't no technological bDmreakdown,
Oh-nFo, this is the rE7oad to hAmell.
Slide Solo
And as the rCoads jam up with credit,
And there's notGhing you can do,
It's aFll just bits of paper,
E7Flying away from you.
Oh loAmok out world take a good look,
Look who's dDmown there,
You must leFarn this lesson E7fast, and learn itAm well.
AmThis ain't no upwardly mobile frDmeeway,
Oh-Fno, this is the rE7oad,
FThis is the rE7oad,
FThis is the rE7oad ... to hAmell.