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Tuning: E A D G B E
DMy little brotGher was jDust ten yearsG old WDhen we hit badG weather and Dhid in the Ghole WDe could see TeGxas wasD only a milGe ADnd oh, little broGther, I rDemember your smGile At Indianola D C G D C G
MDy dad built a sawGmill of cyDpreses and sGtone IDt was here on MadGena thatD we made our hGome TDhe year 185G0 and ID sent for my girGl DOh Frauline, come Gmeet me in Dthis brand new woGrld At IndianolaD C G D C G
DThe war they call Gcivil hadD barely bGegun MDe and my cousGins deDcided we'd ruGn UDp through LouiGsianan to Dmeet up with GGrant BuDt one hundred damn rGebels shot us tDhere in the Gsand At Indianola D C G D C G
TDhey said up in NeGw York, the sDtock market Gfell ADnd the life they was lGivin' was sDhot all to hGell BuDt we ain't seen Gnothin' no difDferent than dGust SDept the wheels on the wGagon all coveDred with ruGst At Indianola D C G D C G
WDhen that scrape with old GHitler was oDver and Gdone AnDd I wondered if GI could killD kin with myG gun BuDt we sat there in GParis in a Dlittle caGfe ADnd as they toasted GTruman, ID drifted aGway To Indianola D C G D C G
BDut it's fifty yeGars later and Dnobody careGs AbDout some old cGity that Dain't even tGhere WDell, my sons moved to GHouston, And they Dwork in the GGulf WDith seven days oGn and Dseven days Goff DWell I work for the Gdoctor that bouDght our old rGanch FrDom first quality fedeGral the foDreclosures brGanch DAnd he calls me hGillbilly and heD laughs at my Ghair BDut the cancer willG get him ifD anything's faGir AnDd I'll take his aGshes and thDrow from my bGoat AsD acrossed that oGcean I'mD going to flGoat To find me another Indianola D C G D C G Indianola D C G D C G Indianola D C G D C G