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Tuning: E A D G B E
Take yDour littlAe lips and Dkiss me take your liAttle arms and sqDueeze me Let's live a little befGore we say goDodbye I'll draw my mAoney out of theD bank I'll buyA you roses and prDetty
Let's live a littAle before we say goDodbye You'lGl wear a yellow ribbon in your wavy Dhair I'll wear the suit you like anAd a big boDwtie We'll pretend we're haGppy though we know it's aD lie So let's live a litAtle before we say gDoodbye You'llD be my queAen of beautDy I'll be proud tAhat you're my cDuty Let's live a litGtle before we say gooDdbye Someday our hAair will turn gDrey and we will Athink of yestDerday Let's live a liAttle before we say gooDdbye
The Dband will be plAaying a waltzD just for two I will be saying daArling I love Dyou We'll pretend we're haGppy though we know it's aD lie SoD let's live a little befoAre we say goDodbye