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This is my first tab on here so... this is how I play the intro for the song, the other tab on here pretty much has the chords down right so...yeah e|-------------| B|----5----5---| <--you can play this part on any other position, using this G|---6-6--6-6--| pattern D|--7----6-----| A|-------------| <--Play this as much as necessary and then hit that E|-------------| A power chord a couple of times then this e|----5----4| B|---5-5--5-| G|--6----6--| after this comes the that open E strum as much as D|----------| necessary A|----------| E|----------| then play the beginning part once and let the G string on the 6th fret ring e|---------------| B|----5----5-----| G|---6-6--6-6----| D|--7----6-------| then this again A|---------------| E|---------------| then play e|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| G|--------66666-------44444-| D|--77777-66666-44444-44444-| <-- 3x A|--77777-44444-44444-22222-| E|--55555-------22222-------| e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|-------66666---------| D|-77777-66666-4-4-4-4-| A|-77777-44444-4-4-4-4-| E|-55555-------2-2-2-2-| then stum the open E chord as much as necessary e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|----------------------| D|-777-6-4-6-2-2-222222-| A|-777-6-4-6-2-2-222222-| E|-555-4-2-4-0-0-000000-| then e|---------| e|---------| B|---------| B|---------| G|-----6---| G|---------| D|-777-6-6-| 3x D|-4444444-| <---play this all twice A|-777-4-6-| A|-4444444-| E|-555---4-| E|-2222222-| theres also a lead guitar part that you can hear e|---------- B|-15------- G|-17(hb)-14 but Im not really sure about this D|---------- A|---------- E|---------- the next part goes like so e|-------------------| B|-------------------| G|-------------------| D|-2222-4444-7777777-| 3x A|-2222-4444-7777777-| E|-0000-2222-5555555-| now for the nice quiet part, just strum each chord downward e|-5--4--0--2--|-5--4------------------| B|-5--4--0--2--|-5--4------------------| G|-6--6--1--3--|-6--6------------------| D|-7--6--2--4--|-7--6--2222222-4444444-| A|-7--4--2--4--|-7--4--2222222-4444444-| E|-5-----0--2--|-5-----0000000-2222222-| e|----------------------------------|-------------------| B|----------------------------------|-------------------| G|----------6666666-----------------|----------66666666-| D|-77777777-6666666-2222222-4444444-|-77777777-66666666-| A|-77777777-4444444-2222222-4444444-|-77777777-44444444-| E|-55555555---------0000000-2222222-|-55555555----------| then strum the open E chord again alot of times....alot! now just play the intro again and sometimes you can hear some sort of Hammer On every once in awhile at the end on the D string like an D|--56h7h So thats pretty much it! any corrections you'd like to make email me at Im a huge Cage The Elephant fan and recently I heard this song and fell in love with it jaja