Cage the Elephant - My arms dont bend that way damn it
ukulelever. 1
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so this is my first chord/tab. i use bar chords for all the notes. i love this
cover so i hope you enjoy these chords! rate please! (lyrics may be wrong)
A D x4
Verse 1
AI've been put on a pedestol and I can't get down Em
DNo ones helping but everyone knows who I am A
AThey say I'm gonna die soon but I got no one by myEm side D A
Chorus x2
C#mThey said if you wanna help just kilEl yourself
But I wonBm't, I won't do that A
A D x2
Verse 2
ADon't laugh at the funeral, don't laugh at thEme hospital (?)
It's not the place tDhat i wanna be A
AMy friends are all in prison and thats the place I wanna go Em
Cause I hate everywhereD A
Chorus x2
C#mThey said if you wanna help just kilEl yourself
But I wonBm't, I won't do that A
End on A