Cage the Elephant - Hypocrite
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Cage The Elephant - Hypocrite
ATonight, bleC#eding from the Dholes in my Aface
C#But I don't wanDt to give itA away
C#You did it for Dthe family Aname C#
Crash Dcollide into Aspace
C# D A
AYou, your faC#vorite Dcolor reAd
I guess that C#I'm the DhypocritAe
YouC#'re not DresponsiAble
C#I'm respDonsiblAe
A C# D F#m
F#mWho's to bAlame
F#mTell me who's to bAlame
F#mTell me wEho
AI won't ever do that again
DI've been all over the place
AI watched the strawberry fields
DDry up and wither away
AAnd if you ask me to stay
DYou know that's where I will be
AWon't ever do that again
DDon't want to do that aAgain
You, call me baby blue
For all the evil schemes I've pull
We sit and watch the waves break
I've made a lot mistakes
Crash collide into space
Who's to blame
Tell me who's to blame
Tell me who
I don't wanna do that again
I've been all over the place
I watched the strawberry fields
Dry up and wither away
And if you ask me to stay
You know that's where I will be
Don't wanna do that again
I'll never do that again
I don't wanna do that again
I've been all over the place
I watched the strawberry fields
Dry up and wither away
And if you ask me to stay
You know that's where I will be
Don't wanna do that again
I'll never do do do do do do do that again