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WaBm7/Dke up, say a littleBm7/D prayer Out of bEmed to the bathroom whBmere I take a lF#mook at myself and I stop anBmd stare And I woEmnder who is this standing F#mhere
ABmnd I try to find the will to carryEm on WBmonder how much longer I can carryEm on Cause these daAys theyF#m take soBm long, yes theAy do
HDey, hGow are you tEmrue? The lF#might will guide you Bmhome, yes it Awill DHey, how Gare you tEmrue? Well there'sF#m one thing that you should Bmknow Yes you shAould You need Bmlove, you need Alove, you needEm love You needBm loooooAoooooooEmve
BmAll your days spend countin' numbers 'TEmil one day you'll find, That F#mlife has passed yBmou by ABmnd in the quiet still of silence try to hEmide your eyes F#mOh no don'tBm cry, oh noA
HDey, hGow are you Emtrue? The lF#might will guide youBm home, yes it wAill
DOh the years, they turn Gso fast SEmoon the present will beF#m past and you'll look back andBm laugh Yes you wAill
BmWell I can still rGemember, Eyes I was a young manA too ABmlone, but not foGrgotten anEd the candle shining tAhrough SBmtill all these words I've spoGken don't mEean anything atF#m all Without Bmlove, without Emlove, without Alove WithoutBm loooooEmoooooove A
DDo, do, do, do, Gdo, F#mdo, do, doBm, oh yeAah
DDo, do, do, do, Gdo, F#mdo, do, doBm, oh yeAah
BmI remember cAlearly we werEme both there on the F#mairplane TBmold me all your sAecrets, Emoh I never saw it F#mcoming IBm thought that you were jAoking You wereEm actually quite F#mserious