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Link to the video : The following day after the release of the song, I've learnt it and make a video of me playing that amazing Cage The Elephant's composition... I'm dying to ear the full album ! Thank you for watching and have a nice rockn'roll day ! Here's the tab ! :) I hope to be clear. You know, I'm french and translate the technical terms and explain things is really hard for me. But I think this can help you ! :) Thank you for have watched this video and enjoyed it ! ---> This song is in C#m (I think). You can improvise easily in this scale ;) (and it will help you for the variations). If you don't know the scales, go looking for the pentatonic minor, it will help you a lot. Verse G|----------------------------------------4-66------------------------------| D|------------------2-4s6--4h6--4h6-6---------------------------------------| B|-4--2h4---2h4-4---------------------------9--7h9--7-11-9-7-6---4--2h4--4--| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| Variation 1 G|----------------------------------8h9-8-6---------------------------------| D|------------------2-4s6--4h6----------------------------------------------| B|-4--2h4---2h4-4---------------------------9--7h9--7-11-9-7-6---4--2h4--4--| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| This variation arrive in the third repetition in the 1st verse and in the second repetition in the 2nd verse. Tip : The second verse is a little bit different, you have to play more notes (like more 4 in the A string or 6 in the D string) and you have to play them more quickly. I failed this part in the video, excuse me.. Just Before the Chorus : G|-------------------------------| D|-------2s4-4-4-4-5-5-6---------| B|-4--4--------------------------| E|-------------------------------| Chorus G|---------------------------------------------| D|------------4-4-4-4--------------------------| A|-4-4-4-4-------------4-4-4-4--4-4-4-4--------| E|---------------------------------------------| In the 4th serie of the four "4" (yeah, I admit this sentence sucks) you can make an improvisation in C#m (but one time of two)... It looks like that : G|---------------------------------------------4----4-----| D|--------------------------------------6-4-4---4---------| A|-4-4-4-4--6-6-6-6--4-4-4-4--4-7-------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------| Chorus Ending : D|---4-6 Break : G|---------------------------------------------| D|-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-----------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------| E|--------------------5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5----------| Reapeat this 2 times. Next : G|---------------------------------------------| D|-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-----------------------------| A|------------------------------4--------------| E|---------------------5---4----------0--2-----| G|---------------------------| D|---------------------------| A|----------4----------------| E|--5---4----------0--2------| Here you can do what ever you want about rhythm. When you think it's the time you can accelerate. Just respect the atmosphere. :)