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[Intro] G Bb C G Bb F e|-3-3-3-----1-1-1-3-3-3-|-3-3-3-----1-1-1-1-1-1-| B|-3-3-3-----3-3-3-5-5-5-|-3-3-3-----3-3-3-1-1-1-| G|-4-4-4-----3-3-3-5-5-5-|-4-4-4-----3-3-3-2-2-2-| D|-5-5-5-----3-3-3-5-5-5-|-5-5-5-----3-3-3-3-3-3-| A|-5-5-5-----1-1-1-3-3-3-|-5-5-5-----1-1-1-3-3-3-| E|-3-3-3-----1-1-1-3-3-3-|-3-3-3-----1-1-1-1-1-1-| G Bb C G e|-3-3-3-----1-1-1-3-3-3-|-3-3-3-----3-3-3--3-3-3-| B|-3-3-3-----3-3-3-5-5-5-|-3-3-3-----3-3-3--3-3-3-| G|-4-4-4-----3-3-3-5-5-5-|-4-4-4-----4-4-4--4-4-4-| D|-5-5-5-----3-3-3-5-5-5-|-5-5-5-----5-5-5--5-5-5-| A|-5-5-5-----1-1-1-3-3-3-|-5-5-5-----5-5-5--5-5-5-| E|-3-3-3-----1-1-1-3-3-3-|-3-3-3-----3-3-3--3-3-3-| [Verse]
e|-G3-3-3-xxx-Bb1-1-1-xxx-|-C3-3-3-xxx-Bb1-1-1-F1-1-1-| B|-3-3-3-xxx-3-3-3-xxx-|-5-5-5-xxx-3-3-3-1-1-1-| G|-4-4-4-xxx-3-3-3-xxx-|-5-5-5-xxx-3-3-3-2-2-2-| D|-5-5-5-xxx-3-3-3-xxx-|-5-5-5-xxx-3-3-3-3-3-3-| x3 A|-5-5-5-xxx-1-1-1-xxx-|-3-3-3-xxx-1-1-1-3-3-3-| E|-3-3-3-xxx-1-1-1-xxx-|-3-3-3-xxx-1-1-1-1-1-1-|
e|-G3-3-3-xxx-Bb1-1-1-xxx-|-3-3-3-----3-3-3--3-3-3-| B|-3-3-3-xxx-3-3-3-xxx-|-3-3-3-----3-3-3--3-3-3-| G|-4-4-4-xxx-3-3-3-xxx-|-4-4-4-----4-4-4--4-4-4-| D|-5-5-5-xxx-3-3-3-xxx-|-5-5-5-----5-5-5--5-5-5-| A|-5-5-5-xxx-1-1-1-xxx-|-5-5-5-----5-5-5--5-5-5-| E|-3-3-3-xxx-1-1-1-xxx-|-3-3-3-----3-3-3--3-3-3-|
[Verse 1]
I was walkGing down the street, When out the coBbrner of my eye I saw a prCetty little thing apBbproachinFg me. She said "I've nGever seen a man Who loBboks so all alone, Could you usCe a little BbcompanFy? If you pGay the right price Your evBbening will be nice, And you can Cgo and send me on Bbmy way.F" I said "You're suGch a sweet young thing Why you Bbdo this to yourself?" She loCoked at me and tBbhis is what she saFid,
e|-G3-3-3-xxx-Bb1-1-/-C3-3-3-F1-1-| B|-3-3-3-xxx-3-3-/-5-5-5-3-3-| G|-4-4-4-xxx-3-3-/-5-5-5-3-3-| D|-5-5-5-xxx-3-3-/-5-5-5-3-3-| x4 A|-5-5-5-xxx-1-1-/-3-3-3-1-1-| E|-3-3-3-xxx-1-1-/-3-3-3-1-1-|
"GOh, there ain't no rest for the wiBbckeCd,F MGoney don't grow on BbtreCesF. I gGot bills to pay, I got mBboutChsF to feed, There ain't nGothing in this world forBb frCeeF. I know I Gcan't slow down, I cBban'Ct Fhold back, Though you kGnow, I wish I couldBb. C F No there aGin't no rest for the wiBbckeCd,F Until we Gclose our eyes for goBbod"C. F
[Verse 2]
Not even fGifteen minutes later I'm still walkiBbng down the street, When I sawC a shadow of a man cBbreep outF of sight. Then he wGalks up from behind And puts a gBbun up to my head, He made Cit clear he wasn't loBboking for aF fight. He said "GGive me all you've got I want your moBbney not your life, But if you Ctry to make a move I won't thBbink twicFe." I said "YGou can have my cash But first you knBbow I got to ask What made you Cwant to live this kind ofBb life?"F
"GOh, there ain't no rest for the wiBbckeCd,F MGoney don't grow on BbtreCesF. I gGot bills to pay, I got mBboutChsF to feed, There ain't nGothing in this world forBb frCeeF. I know I Gcan't slow down, I cBban'Ct Fhold back, Though you kGnow, I wish I couldBb. C F No there aGin't no rest for the wiBbckeCd,F Until we Gclose our eyes for goBbod"C. F
[Verse 3]
Now a coGuple hours passed And I was sitBbting at my house, The day was windiCng down and comBbing to an enFd. So I tuGrned on the TV And flipped it oBbver to the news, And what IC saw I almost coBbuldn't comprFehend. I saw a pGreacher man in cuffs he'd taken mBboney from the church, He's got this Cbank account with riBbghteous dollar bFills. But even stiGll I can't say much Because I kBbnow we're all the same, Oh yes we've aCll got to satBbisfy those thrFills.
"GOh, there ain't no rest for the wiBbckeCd,F MGoney don't grow on BbtreCesF. I gGot bills to pay, I got mBboutChsF to feed, There ain't nGothing in this world forBb frCeeF. I know I Gcan't slow down, I cBban'Ct Fhold back, Though you kGnow, I wish I couldBb. C F No there aGin't no rest for the wiBbckeCd,F Until we Gclose our eyes for good