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#research. Remember to view this file in Courier, or other monospaced font. # #See for more information. # Subject: b/byrds/well_come_back_home.crd Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 23:13:55 GMT From: The Byrds Well Come Back Home written by Skip Battin
GWell come back Fhome, Cwell come back Dhome GWell come back Fhome, Cwell come back Dhome DIf you wanna tell someone Aabout it tell Dme, Gtell Dme If you gotta tell someone Aabout it tell Dme, Gtell Dme EI think that I'm afraid to hear it
I know you're afraid to say yes Tell me anyway you can
Ah but Ddon't Gtell your DmommGa DI won't Gtell your Dpapa GWell come back Fhome, Cwell come back Dhome GWell come back Fhome, Cwell come back Dhome DIf you wanna tell someone aAbout it tell Dme, Gtell Dme DIf you gotta tell someone aAbout it tell Dme, Gtell Dme EI know that I'm afraid to hear it
And I think that you're afraid to say it Tell me how they kill a man
Ah but Ddon't Gtell your Dmomma DI won't Gtell Dpapa GWell come back Fhome, Cwell come back Dhome GWell come back Fhome, Cwell come back Dhome
From The Untitled LP Columbia Records