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Turn Turn Turn chords The Byrds (Ecclesiates / Pete Seeger) D G F#m/A 2x * D G D G F#m/A 2x
To everyDthing,(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) there is a Dseason;(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) and a Gtime F#mto every Empurpose,A under Dheaven
A time to be Aborn, a time to Ddie A time to Aplant, a time to Dreap A time to Akill, a time to Dheal A time to GlauF#mgh, a Atime to Dweep
To everyDthing,(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) there is a Dseason;(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) and a Gtime F#mto every Empurpose,A under Dheaven
A time to build Aup, a time to break Ddown A time to Adance, a time to Dmourn A time to Acast away Dstones, a Gtime to F#mgather EmstonesA toDgether
To everyDthing,(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) there is a Dseason;(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) and a Gtime F#mto every Empurpose,A under Dheaven
A time of Alove, a time of Dhate A time of Awar, a time of Dpeace A time Ayou may emDbrace, a Gtime to F#mrefrain EmfromA emDbracing
D G F#m A D G F#m A G F#m Em A D A D A D A D G F#m Em A D
To everyDthing,(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) there is a Dseason;(Gturn, F#mturn, Aturn) and a Gtime F#mto every Empurpose,A under Dheaven
A time to Again, a time to Dlose A time to Arend, a time to Dsew A time for Alove, a time to Dhate A time for GpeaF#mce, I Emswear it s Anot too Dlate
D G D G F#m/A 4x * Alternate: Capo II D = C G = F F#m = Em A = G Em = Dm Set8