Byrds - The times they are a changin
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Subject: b/byrds/the_times_they_are_a_changin.crd
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 1997 13:11:23 GMT
The Byrds The Times They Are A Changin written by Bob Dylan
FCome gather round people where Fever you rFoam
And admit that the waters Garound you have grown
And acceFpt it that soon you'll be Fdrenched to the Fbone
If your time to you is worth sGavin^?
Then you Fbetter start Fswimming or you'll Fsink like a sFtone
For the Ftimes they are a GchangiFn F
FCome writers and critics who Fprophecies with your Fpen
And keep your eyes open the chance won't Gcome again
And Fwatch what you say for the Fwheel's still in Fspin
And there's no tellin who that it's Gnamein
For the Floser Fnow will be Flater to Fwin
For the Ftimes they are a GchangFin F
Come Fsenators congressmen Fplease heed the Fcall
Don't stand in the doorway don't Gblock up the hall
For Fhe that gets hurt will be Fhe who has Fstalled
There's a battle outside and it's rGagin
Will Frattle our Fwindows and Fshake down your Fwalls
For theF times they are a GchangiFn F
FCome mothers and fathers throughFout the Fland
And don't criticize what you cGan't understand
Your Fsons and your daughters are Fbeyond your commaFnd
Your old road is rapidly aGgin
Please getF out of the Fnew one if you Fcan't lend your hFand
For the Ftimes they are a GchangiFn F G F
Copyright @ 1963 M. Witmark & Sons
From the "Turn Turn Turn" LP Columbia Records 1965