Byrds - Rockroll
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Subject: So You Wannna Be A Rock N Roll Starr Chords/Words
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 1996 00:52:29 GMT
A few lyrics need correction
The Byrds So You Want To Be A Rock N Roll Star by McGuinn/Hillman
GSo you Awant to be a Grock n roll Astar then Glisten Anow to Gwhat I Asay
GJust Aget an elecGtric Aguitar and Gtake some Atime to Glearn how to Aplay
DAnd whem your Ehairs combed right and your Apants fit tight
so right so
It's gonna Dbe alright
GThen it's Atime to Ggo downtAown where the Gagent Aman won't Glet you Adown
GSell your Asoul to the GcompaAny who are GwaitingA there to sell Gplastic
DAnd in aE week or two if you Amake the charts the girls will Dtear you
GThe price you Apaid for you Griches and Afame
Was it Gall a strange Agame you're a Glittle insAane
GBut it's a Agame and the Gpublic accAlaim
Don't forGget who you Aare you're a Grock n roll Astar
DLa la la la Ela la la A D
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1966 Tickson Music Co