Byrds - Long live the king
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From RICKL1@IX.NETCOM.COM Sun Mar 9 21:33:59 1997
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 03:58:19 GMT
Subject: Long Live The King The Byrds Chords/Words
The Byrds Long Live The King written by David
EmThe first thing that they Bmtell you about is Gthat you will be Dking
EmA priest at least they tell you and Gthen that everyDthing will be
alAright at last
You will finally be cast into your Emrightful throne
They got it all down BmcoldEm
EmNext thing that they Bmtell you is Gnot to be afraDid
You think you're Embetter than the others Gsomewhat fine and Dbrave
They lead aAstray you could be up there all alone
A star they say a million miles away from home
An Gempty space is tFhat the place you Emwanted
EmThe last thing that they Bmtell you about they Gask you will it Dhurt
They said Emsell what you can boy get Gout while the getting's Dgood
And Athey whisper in the evening all around town
AOh humpty dumpty the king is falling down
Copyright @ 1973 Staysail Music(BMI)
From the "The Byrds" LP Asylum Records 1973
The Byrds Sweet Mary written by McGuinn/Levy
DmSweet Mary I've Cgot to be Dmleaving
Oh I can't let you Cinto my lGife
Dm C Dm C G
A7Cause I know it would end in grieving and the last thing I need is a
When I Dmmet I met you for pleasure
And the good times of Crunning arounGd
Then you Dmseemed to be sCo understaDmnding
>From the weight that's bCeen dragginG me down A7
The Dmgood times are Ccoming between Dmus
Though you helped me I'mC carrying my Gload
Dm C Dm C
GAndA7 I've never felt more like a lover but I'm running right off the
Sweet DmMary I've Cgot to be Dmleaving
Oh I can't let you Cinto my lGife
Dm C Dm C G
A7Cause I know it would end in grieving and the last thing I need is a
Oh it's Dmnothing you Csaid or iDmnvited
And it's nothing you Cdid that was Gwrong
Our lDmove togCether was Dmheaven but I promised Cmyself to be Gstrong A7
Sweet DmMary I've Cgot to be Dmleaving
Oh I can't let you Cinto my lGife
Dm C Dm C G
A7Cause I know it would end in grieving and the last thing I need is a
Copyright @ 1973 Patian/Blackwood Music(BMI)
From the "The Byrds" LP Asylum Records 1973
The Byrds Cowgirl In The Sand written by Neil Young
EHello cowgirl in the C#msand Eis this place at your cC#mommand
ECan I Bstay here Afor aBwhile Ecan I Bsee your Asweet sweet Bsmile
F#mOld G#menough now to Echange your Aname
When F#mso many G#mlove you is Eit the sAame
It's the F#mwoman in you that makes you want to Eplay this Agame
EHello ruby in the C#mdust Ehas your band began to C#mrust
EAfter Ball the Asin we've Bhad EI was Bhoping that Awe'd turn Bback
F#m G#m E A^'
Old enough now to change your name
When F#mso many G#mlove you is Eit the sAame
It's the F#mwoman in you that makes you want to Eplay this Agame
EHello woman of my C#mdreams Eis this not the way it C#mseems
EPurple Bwords on a Agray back Bground
ETo be a Bwoman and to Abe turned dBown
F#mOld G#menough now to Echange your Aname
When F#mso many G#mlove you is Eit the Asame
F#m E A E C#m
EIt's the woman in you that makes you want to play this game
Copyright @ 1969 Cotillion Music Inc. & Broken Arrow Music Inc.
From the "The Byrds" LP Asylum Records 1973
The Byrds Things Will Be Better written by Chris Hillman
Dallas Taylor
GThings will be betDter now
CDon't ask me Dwhy don't Gask me how
And both of us feel the Dsame way
What we're Cfeeling insDide we just can't Gseem to say
Cause Amisunderstanding is the cause of it all
Take you to the top just to watch you Dfall
GSome time it's lonely and Dcold
When you're Cso far awDay from Ghome
Confusion can lead you astDray
It's Cjust a terrible Dprice to Gpay
I bAought you some books I dressed you up real fine
Go and live your life just let me live Dmine
Copyright @ 1973 Bar None Music Inc.(BMI)
From the "Byrds" LP Asylum Records 1973