Byrds - I come and stand at every door
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I Come And Stand At Every Door chords
The Byrds 1966 (poem by Nazim Hikmet)
I Dcome and Cstand at C/Aevery Ddoor,
but no one Chears my C/Asilent Dprayer
I Gknock and Ayet remain unDseen,
for EmI am dead, for CI am DdeadDsus4 D
I'm Donly Cseven C/Aalthough I Ddied,
in HiroCshima C/Along aDgo
I'm Gseven Anow as I was Dthen,
when Emchildren die they Cdo not DgrowDsus4 D
My Dhair was Cscorched by a C/Aswirling Dflame,
my eyes grew Cdim, my C/Aeyes grew Dblind
Death Gcame and Aturned my bones to Ddust,
and Emthat was scattered Cby the DwindDsus4 D
I Dneed no Cfruit, I C/Aneed no Drice,
I need no Csweets nor C/Aeven Dbread
I Gask for nothing Cfor myDself,
for EmI am dead, for CI am DdeadDsus4 D
DAll that I Cask is C/Athat for Dpeace,
you fight toCday, you C/Afight toDday
GSo that the Achildren of this Dworld,
may Emlive and grow and Claugh and DplayDsus4 D