Byrds - Chimes of freedom
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Chimes Of Freedom chords
The Byrds (Bob Dylan)
FFar between sundown s Ffinish and Fmidnight s broken Ftoll
We Fducked inside the Fdoorway, Gthunder FcrashinFg F
FAs majestic bells of Fbolts, struck Fshadows in the Fsounds
FSeeming to be the Fchimes of Gfreedom FflashingF F
GFlashing for the G7warriors, whose Fstrength is not to Ffight
FFlashing for the Frefugees on the Dmunarmed road of Gflight
And for Feach and every Funderdog, Fsoldier in the Fnight
And we Fgazed upon the Fchimes of Gfreedom FflashinFg F
FEven though a cloud s white Fcurtain in a Ffar off corner Fflashed
And the Fhypnotic splattered Fmist was Gslowly FliftingF F
FElectric lights still Fstruck like arrows, Ffired but for the Fones
FCondemned to drift or Felse be Gkept from FdriftingF F
GTolling for the G7searching ones, on their Fspeechless seeking Ftrail,
For the Flonesome hearted Flovers, with too Dmpersonal a Gtale
And for Feach unharmful Fgentle soul misFplaced inside a Fjail
And we Fgazed upon the Fchimes of Gfreedom FflashingF F
FStarry eyed and Flaughing, as I reFcall when we were Fcaught
FTrapped by no track of Fhours for they Ghanged susFpendedF F
FAnd we listened one last Ftime, and we Fwatched with one last Flook
FSpellbound and swallowed Ftill the Gtolling FendedF F
GTolling for the G7aching ones whose Fwounds cannot be Fnursed
For the Fcountless confused, acFcused, misused, Dmsrung-out ones and Gworse
And for Fevery hung-up Fperson in the Fwhole wide uniFverse
And we Fgazed upon the Fchimes of Gfreedom FflashingF F
FDi di di Fdi di di Gdi Fdi di di Gdi di Fdum F F